A day at the ball park.

A day at the ball park.

We Went to the Angel Game last night, vs Seattle. WHAT A GAME!!!
The angels are clicking right now and if they can hold it together, these Angels are going to be the World Series Champs.
Mike and the Umpires minutes before the game starts
Mike and the Umpires minutes before the game starts
Mark Tex warming up..For Ick.
Mark Tex warming up..For Ick.
Howie on base
Howie on base
They almost got Vladdy that time.
They almost got Vladdy that time.
Mark at Bat... again for Ick
Mark at Bat... again for Ick

The Angels won 7-3 for their 5th straight win, Juan Rivera, Vlad Gurerro and Garett Anderson went yard in the game.

The celebration.
The celebration.

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