Month: January 2011

Stopping the HATE…

Stopping the HATE…

Since the shooting in Tuscon, the media and pundits are calling on people to “Stop the hate” stop the dangerous rhetoric…. Um Yeah. Not on your FKIN LIFE!

Let me explain this: All of these morons calling for people to “Stop the hate speech” have defined the “Hate speech” as anything they DON’T agree with. If you are against Obama you are RACIST, if you don’t like Obamacare you are racist, if you don’t like DADT, you are a homophobe, if you don’t like taxes being raised to pay for welfare slugs, you are a hatemonger and want children to die…. The list goes on.

Now after this shooting the morons in the media and the idiots on the left also known as Liberpuke/progressives have decided not only to try and tell me IT’S MY FAULT (And yours) and to attempt to regulate what we can say. But also have decided to use this incident as a tool to go after our 2nd amendment rights. Notice how they are doing it people. First they are telling you NOT to speak, then going after your protection tools.

This incident perpetrated by a lunatic has been made worse by the politicians, officials and the media. What will you do? Do you cower in the corner and say, well yep it’s my fault because I didn’t agree with the liberals agenda? or will you stand taller and say “This is NOT my fault” This has nothing to do with me or ANY AMERICAN other than the asshole pulling the trigger?

I choose to stand tall, and I plan on UPPING my intensity. I plan on getting even more involved in our governments asshattery!I plan on taking to task any rotten liberpuke bastard that wishes to lay this incident at my feet. “Stop the hate speech?” Yeah as soon as you admit and cease YOUR hate speech. Funny, all the HATE speech toward the R’s during the Bush years was all just cordial discourse? FK YOU!

Non-violence is the key, we have NOT been violent, we have not told anyone to kill anyone, we have not done ANYTHING wrong, do not let the media or politicians make you think you have. Stand tall.

Suggestions to all AMERICANS:

JOIN THE NRA NOW if you haven’t already. The NRA is our only hope to stave off the onslaught of over reacting politicians that are already starting.

JOIN A TEA PARTY NOW, it’s the only hope we have of fixing this broken bassakward entity known as our current government.


Loss of a Friend.

Loss of a Friend.

Not a good start to the new year. The blogsphere lost an asset and I lost a friend this week.

Basti from “Basti Says” passed away last Sunday.

Bill was a real man. You never had to guess where you stood with him. His honesty and his wisdom will be sorely missed in the blogging world.

Basti/Bill died in OH on January 2, 2011 @ age 65 & was born in VA the only child of Shirley & Bill.

He was a retired employee of Wheeling-Pittsburgh Steel.

He was a member of USWA, the Loyal Order of Moose and served in the U.S. Air Force.

Rest in Peace brother.

So What NOW? should be the question asked after AZ shooting…

So What NOW? should be the question asked after AZ shooting…

Will the shooting in Tuscon be the reason that “Town Hall’s” will be banned? Will there be more gun grabbing legislation? will there be laws outlawing speech? Will there be “profiling” of white males between the ages of 20 and 30?

Never let a crisis go to waste. This was tragic, it was ridiculous too. WHY you ask?

Well I’ve heard about 20 reports that said “She was getting death threats” and “She was worried about the tea party radicals”

Okay, fine… lets ask this question:

IF you are seriously concerned that your life was in danger from tea party folks, why was your security so lax? Or was that just a political statement in the first place, and grandma in the wheelchair holding a flag was really not a threat? IF you are TRULY worried about the tea party being violent, how was that guy able to get that close? Truth is there was never a concern about tea party violence, never has been. And this clown was NOT a TEA PARTY MEMBER.

My point is, the media is spinning this as a Rightwinger gone nuts, its entirely false but we all know all they have to do is plant that seed and it gets embedded in the idiots heads…

Here’s the deal, some folks will look at this incident and tighten up their security and move on. Others will try and MANDATE changes to ALL because of this incident.

The worst part of this incident is the loss of life in that hall, I hope the powers that be don’t make matters WORSE by adding loss of liberty to ALL.

Let reason and logic rule the day, not emotional outbursts from agenda driven politicians.

Liberals again touting “Tea party” as Reason for shooting.

Liberals again touting “Tea party” as Reason for shooting.

I’m surfing around the net during the football game. I’m finding all kinds of reasoning for the shooting of the congresswoman, judge and the others (Including the 9 yr old kid that is getting NO MENTION) I gotta say this:

If anyone in their right mind believes Sarah Palin and Glenn Beck were responsible for this incident, they should be sent to a mental hospital post haste. The progressive crowd to include liberals and democrats have long been accustom to jumping to conclusions. They have been proven wrong at almost every turn. Yes there have been some right wing nuts and some left wing nuts.. It happens. But every one of these incidents brings out the liberals proclaiming “It’s the tea party, and the talk shows” then after a day or two the facts come out and then SILENCE by the liberpukes…. It will happen this time too.

The shooter was an anarchist, his favorite books were Mien Kampf and the communist manifesto. Ask yourself, which party does the American Communist party vote with? Nuff said. Also look at his favorite video, a flag burning. Again nuff said.

The fact is, it doesn’t matter to me who he was, unless he acted with a group. IF he’s a lone nutjob then lets prosecute him to the fullest extent of the law and be mindful of how this happened and prepare for it’s potential.

Do you find it odd that the “Progressives” in our nation are so quick to paint the entire tea party as violent thugs and the cause of this incident, but are the first ones to say “Muslims are the religion of peace and it’s only a few extremists causing the problems” I’d say their credibility is shot from that stand point alone.

I ask that we pray for the victims and keep their families in our thoughts.

As far as any liberpuke progressive that may wander in and comment that this was a right wing attacker, I’ll warn you now, your ass will get lit up like a Vegas resort if you decide to weigh in. I don’t take kindly to the lies and deception you liberpukes are famous for. I got facts and figures about lefty violence and they far outweigh any rightwing incident… IF you read the Daily Ko’s or don’t bother opining here, I’ll just abuse you.

Ted Nugent: Media Jihad!

Ted Nugent: Media Jihad!

Aint this the truth. Liberal readers and Anti-Nuge idiots you may want to click off this site ASAP or risk a common sense infusion to your cranium.

It’s All Too Easy Spotlighting Cockroaches By Ted Nugent

Besides poisoning trillions of fire ants on my Texas ranch, balancing the herbivore population each fall with aplomb, debating liberals is the easiest thing I do.

All that is required to drive liberals batty is a modicum of common sense and a belief that Ronald Reagan was right when he said that government isn’t the solution, it’s the problem.
This was the tactic I once again recently took on Anderson Cooper’s CNN program 360.  My simple, tried and true tactic drove liberal comedian Roseanne Barr bonkers.  Watching her spiral out of control was great comedy.  Lenny Bruce would have howled in delight. Richard Pryor would have set himself on fire.

When I stated my support for the Tea Party, Barr became visibly frustrated, angry, resorted to name calling, and then proceeded to hang herself with the common sense rope I provided.  All the while, your humble Motor City Ropeman remained his buoyant, gregarious, happy self.  Perfect. I barely had time to adjust my halo.

Liberals like Barr hate the Tea Party and the grassroots activists who compose its ranks.  The real reason for their hatred is that liberals are deeply scared of the Tea Party and wherever logic may be found. Liberals are scared of Tea Party because these grassroots American activists are a credible threat to the ultimate liberal dream of turning America into a socialist country where Fedzilla is in complete charge of all facets of our lives. Paraphrasing, Barr stated that Tea Party activists are stupid people who are being led astray by the billionaire Koch brothers who are supposedly behind the scenes funding the Tea Party and controlling its members.

Nothing could be further from the truth.

Of the hundreds of Tea Party activists I have spoken to, all of them have been hard working, bright, and articulate, many are business owners, and all share a deep concern that our federal government has grown too large.   Not one has ever brought up the Koch brothers in our discussions. No one in the rank and file of the Tea Party knows who the Koch brothers are or cares.    This is a stark difference between them and the relationship liberals have with George Soros.

Tea Party activists don’t need the multi-billionaire Koch brothers, Sarah Palin, Glenn Beck or even your humble Motor City Madman to tell them that less government, less taxes, much less borrowing and spending, and more individual accountability and responsibility is the way ahead if we are going to save America.
Liberals champion that they support free speech, the free flow of ideas, and healthy debates.  Don’t believe it.  If they did, liberals would welcome the Tea Party and tell them that they look forward to debating the ideas the Tea Party embraces.

But at their core, liberals like Barr hate open debate–are actually terrified of it–because they know their liberal agenda is not embraced by the majority of Americans.  On the battlefield of ideas, liberals are defeated time and time again and they know it.
Being defeated is why liberals are afraid of the Tea Party, which enjoys wide support among the American people.  Liberals like Barr will do anything they can to try and deflect a substantive debate including calling Tea Party activists stupid and claiming that the Koch brothers are the puppet masters behind the Tea Party.
Logic infuriates liberals.

The GOP had better be paying close attention to the juggernaut Tea Party and its growing numbers of adherents who openly embrace conservative ideas.  The Tea Party doesn’t need the GOP but the GOP desperately needs the Tea Party.  There are twenty million reasons why.  Got that, GOP?
The Tea Party is good for America.  If there was ever a stark difference between liberals who support Fedzilla and those who support putting Fedzilla on a crash diet it is the Tea Party.  Stark political differences are just what the political doctor ordered.

My political prediction is that in 2012 the Tea Party political massacre will continue with even more Americans, including even some liberals, recognizing that a gluttonous, unaccountable and irresponsible Fedzilla is actually working against the American people instead of working for them.  Come one come all to the Tea Party massacre ball.

When your opponent resorts to name calling, smile and know that you own your opponent. I owned Barr on 360 and she knows it. Now I must go wash up..

You can watch the carnage delivered by Ted on Anderson Coopers show if you can stand the whining of a fat liberpuke bitch that has her facts wrong.

Congresswoman and others shot dead in AZ

Congresswoman and others shot dead in AZ

The worst news I’ve woke up to in a long time. When one of our ELECTED officials is murdered it’s an attack on our system. It’s an attack on the entire nation. I don’t care about which political party the person was from, I do care that the people she represented have lost their voice in Government. I care that the gunman was allowed to get off that many shots in state where EVERYONE can carry concealed (Within parameters)


When the name of the gunman is released, and the story behind the attack comes out, be wary of any reports coming from the national media. Take stock of the gun grabbers, they will have a lot of false ammo after this.

One thing that is not being mentioned is, this is eerily similar to the reports coming out of Mexico over the last 4-5 years.

Son of Hamas Leader speaks out.

Son of Hamas Leader speaks out.

Here is a dead man. I wish him all the luck in the world, but I think the religion of peace is not going to take kindly to being “Outed”:

I gotta say if more came out against Hamas and the rest of the “Extremists” perhaps there would be a possible peace. But since it won’t happen, it’s good to hear the truth from Muslims once in a while…