USA the beginning…

USA the beginning…

I’ve heard so many apologists and self loathing over how the USA was born… The violence, the slavery the plunder of the natives.. oh wow, we suck.. NOT.


While you who are educated in liberal land colleges must be brainwashed into thinking YOU are guilty of the crimes against humanity. Let me help you out, you lilly white golden spoon up ass’d self absorbed parasite actually had NOTHING to do with the building of a nation. Matter of fact, anyone alive at that time who had the moral character, self absorbed, lazy ass’d, demanding demeanor generally didn’t make it passed age 20.

So let me give you a clue. This nation was built by BRAVE men and woman who put everything on the line and left what they felt was oppression. There was no blue print for building a free and prosperous nation without violence. There was only a blue print to build a nation WITH violence, war, theft, slavery and plunder. The world they left had many many years of that type of country building/taking… They left it to make a better life.


They landed somewhere and they were far off of where they thought they were. They survived without starbucks, 24/7 communication,news, information at their fingertips. They landed on soil they never knew existed and survived. No matter HOW they did it they survived.  To make a better life.

The British rule pushed our forefathers to the limit and they put their comfort, their lives, their futures and their families on the line for our future and you liberals cry about how they did it.


This is basic history, but the point I want to make is.. There was no proven blue print to create a nation as prosperous and free as the young USA. But that blue print exists NOW!

The Illegals, the Syrians they have an opportunity to CREATE THEIR OWN “Free and prosperous nation” But they can’t, why? Because the path of least resistance, the instant gratification of today says RUN to America who already did such evil things early so they could be so FREE later.

The point is, while you liberal douchenozzles think you’re helping by taking in refugees you are actually HURTING the cause. We can’t absorb all the Syrians or Latino’s and taking them in means the ones most capable of FIGHTING for their nation are leaving because we are enabling them to do so.


A drug addict on the street is crying for more crack, a liberal will buy it for them, a conservative will stuff the fucker in a closet until the withdrawals subside. It a harsh way to deal with it, but in the long run the drug addict will be better off.

The fact is, if you give these refugee’s NO CHOICE BUT TO FIGHT, they will fight. They will die, they will win or they will lose but they will try!

The other shit that bugs me is, these people leave, they flee their nation then get here and demand a hyphen. They claim their nation as a source a pride but they left it to women and children to sit in your stead. Sad source of pride there.


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