Update on California’s special election

Update on California’s special election

It looks as if ALL the propositions are going to FAIL! (Except for 1f which says no raises unless the state is not running a deficit.)

Congratulations California, you just bitch slapped Arnie and his cronies for the years of over spending. Now perhaps they will take a hard look at the real reason California is broke!
Take a look at the illegal Immigration impact on the state, the over crowding of our schools and prisons, the added costs of doing business here because of the over regulation and enviroterrorists….Get serious about the real issues behind the demise of this state and we may pull out of this, if not say good bye to a once great state.

4 Replies to “Update on California’s special election”

  1. Congrats on the win/loss thing. The tax and spenders must be gnashing their teeth this morning. I fear, though, that the cancer that has infected the state of California, is in the bone.

    What I mean by that is that radical changes to the very foundations of what you Californians know as day to day business is going to have to change. Prosecution of Sanctuary Cities, round up and deportation of illegals, School restructuring, SEVERE amputation of entire wings of the halls of government…etc. etc.,

    I feel for you guys. What is coming is NOT going to be pleasant.

  2. Yea for Caliiiifornians, sad to say I have relatives there. BUT Obama is just going to bail CA out and then I’ll have to pay for all the looney things that the lefty Caliiiifornians want to do. The people of Caliiiifornia won’t be any better off and neither will the rest of us, arghh!

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