Trayvon Martin and the Useful Idiots.

Trayvon Martin and the Useful Idiots.

Regardless of what you think of the shooting or the person who shot the kid, the useful idiots are making waves for one reason. Look at who is participating in the protests and the selective “Outrage” going on. There is a reason, can you tell what it is?

Election year, black POTUS, White opponent… assembly required.

This entire thing is an attempt at spring boarding the narrative of RACE into the general election. The catalyst of PERCEIVED RACIAL inequality to stoke the “White Guilt” emotions that propelled “Duh Won” to POTUS in 08 being tried again…. Not going to work this time I’m afraid…

I’m betting this is not going to end well for the race baiters. Here’s my reason:

IF you believe the cops/DA are all white and racist. If you believe ALL involved are also members of the KKK and burn crosses every Saturday night. Then what I’m about to say will fall on deaf ears.

There’s a reason no charges have been filed. There’s a reason there is pause for arresting this Zimmerman guy. There’s a big reason and it’s called FACTS. There’s probable cause that Zimmerman acted out of self defense. There’s probable cause that Treyvon Martin was not the class valedictorian who volunteers at the senior citizen home and attends boy scout meetings after church…

There’s enough reason in the FACTS to WAIT before a rush to judgement. I suggest we wait for those before hanging the guy. Evidently THOSE with most of the facts haven’t acted yet so maybe they know something we don’t.

Unless ALL in that city are racist KKK members then disregard the last paragraph.

Why is it a big deal? Election year and a SWING STATE… FLA is in play every election and what works for the Democrats? VICTIMS!!!!


14 Replies to “Trayvon Martin and the Useful Idiots.”

      1. Yep Brock links are broken. But I went to your site and checked your posts, you make some good points. One thing I’d like EVERYONE to know is: I’m NOT defending Zimmerman yet. Nor am I saying Treyvon was guilty or Innocent. What I’m conveying here is THE MEDIA and RACE pimps are complicit in this selective outrage. They make it IMPOSSIBLE for fairness to be part of the judicial process. NOW the pressure on the city will be far too great to withstand NORMAL scrutiny. WHY does this kids murder warrant this kind of attention? Election year politics, a racial divide that is widening? Al and Jesse lacking any white devils to blame?… There’s a lot thats fishy here and I think it’s a distraction played like a fiddle. We are all being played.

    1. Jeff, None yet or he would be in jail. There’s enough DOUBT for local LEO’s and DA’s not to JUMP to conclusions about what happened. Evidently there is some falsehoods in the media reporting that are being held back. FLA is not a hotbed of racism… I’m sure there’s racists there. And I’m also sure they are ALL painted differently. Blacks, Hispanics, Asian and Whites…All can be racists despite what the media and race pimps like to think.

  1. And not to be *nit-picky*, but the kids name is Trayvon…

    Your title and tag would get a lot better hit with correct spelling…

    1. Thanks Fred, I’ve seen it posted all kinds of ways… I fixed it. I’m just glad it wasn’t a chick… I can’t spell “Laquandalisha rashad” worth a shit….

  2. The facts are STILL not in though the DEM/MSM would like you to think there are no more “facts” to reveal.

    To Mr Obaka: WHERE were you and where ARE you in terms of ALL the other black young males killed by OTHER BLACK YOUNG MALES, sir? I don’t hear or read your comments of THESE people “being your son.”

    Pandering and cowardly you are, Mr Obama; PANDERING and COWARDLY and PURPOSELY trying to fan the flames against someone the DEM/MSM are, again, PURPOSELY trying to SELL as WHITE, and he is not.

    Because otherwise, a mixed or Hispanic guy shooting a black 17-year-old just doesn’t PLAY AS WELL or as EASY, does it, asshole?


  3. Of course this is politically motivated. There are so many variables involved with this. This president has none nothing but divide this country. Black people who support him (which is the majority) will defend him no matter what. Then you throw in three crazies in the mix (Sharpton and Jackson and the NBP group) and you have a mixture exploding and spewing green slime all over others. Our family experienced a young cousin attending college in Florida a few years ago, walking near campus when two Black guys approached him, demanding his sweatshirt. He reluctantly gave it to them, they still shot and killed him. A friend of mine in Chicago had a grandson who was sitting on the steps of his home when he to was approached by two Black guys, words were exchanged, he was shot and killed. Where were these thousands of loud mouths then? (O! it was not an election year with a Black president at stake). Yes, I am Black and did not and will not vote for this current president. He does his own form of killing by condoning abortion which is prevalent in the Black community. Wake up America, open your eyes and look at what is happening in this country we have taken 20 giant steps back.

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