Tough American Women!

Tough American Women!

Saw this over at All that is Necessary:

Fire From The Heartland from Citizens United on Vimeo.

What I find amazing is the unity among the conservative women. From Ann to S.E Cupp, these women are putting us on a revolutionary road. The Females in Politics from Bachman to Palin are driving the bus and if you aren’t willing to join them and help get our nation back, they are running over you. Count the heads on the mantle…There are many RINO heads on the wall in this mid term election cycle. Women have been a big part of it.

I for one can understand the how the Democrats are feeling, I’ve been married to a very strong woman for a long time and I gotta tell you Dems; You guys are FUBAR.

I’m one of those folks that have no problem with a woman in power. From POTUS to Janitor I don’t care. IF she’s the right one in the right job I’m on board. Lets go.

Message to the Females who are front and center in the conservative movement;

As long as the liberal media is bashing you, insulting you and making fun of you, YOU WIN. Don’t get in the mud and wrestle with the pigs they like it. (Mmm, Mud, wrestling, Palin, Bachman…Um..Where was I..OH)

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