This man is against Obama for all the right reaons.

This man is against Obama for all the right reaons.

It’s a 10 minute clip of a man with more guts than most of us have. Found it over at PA Conservative Women

The reason I say he has guts, is not because his opinions are extreme, it’s because of his race. The majority of black voters are voting for Barack Hussein Obama, by as much as 95%. BUT if you are NOT black and Don’t vote for “The Messiah” YOU are racist. This man understands the real reason Barack Hussein Obama shouldn’t be President and he doesn’t mind telling others how he feels. Kudos to you and to ALL of the Black, White and Brown “Free thinkers”

Be careful Obamatrons! When you count on Race to win the race you might get a race that will cost you the Race…. My White Friends were split on the candidates, until I showed them the racial breakdowns, and they went searching for themselves.. NOW there are a few more McCain supporters because of the “Racist” strategy Obama and his minions are implementing.

Truthfully I don’t give a damn WHY you don’t vote for Obama, I don’t care if you think he is a terrorist, a Muslim, the Anti-Christ or just a gun grabbing N-Word… I Don’t give a damn just like the Obama camp doesn’t care if the only reason folks are voting for him is his color.

8 Replies to “This man is against Obama for all the right reaons.”

  1. Kudos to this young man! You are absolutely right – he is brave going against the Obama Nation isn’t he?

    Personally, I’m getting really sick and tired of being called a racist just because I’m a.) white, b.) conservative, c.) employed, and d.) not voting for Obama!

    For crying out loud – can’t we just dislike a guy because he’s a socialist regardless of his color? Why is it that the Dems are the only one’s playing this race card any way considering their party is actually the real and true party of racism.

    Just crazy I tell ya

  2. Wow, BoBo just hit ALL the right reasons… McCain is a WHITE socialist, and I hate him almost as much as I hate Obama… Almost…

    Obama’s skin color is NOT the issue for me, his history is… And the fact that Obama is almost BLACK when it’s convenient, almost WHITE when it’s convenient and can get as ghetto nigger as any nigger in the ghetto when convenient…

    Barack HUSSEIN Obama, a man for all seasons, as long as they are Dem, Lib and SOCIALIST!!

  3. @Robocop: Probably just like the rest of us, Redneck, uneducated racists… You know, but they are the party of the people.

  4. @Rob,
    I wonder what they would say about a well-educated Chinese engineering student in one of the top engineering schools who supports McCain and has volunteered for 5 years of military service. (My country’s military is in support of the WOT in Afghanistan with boots on the ground.)

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