The Purge!

The Purge!

A short post since I’ve been busier than an incumbent Democrat running for office…

The Purge continues. I read on several blogs, the anguish over the latest upset in Republican party. The O’donnel thing got Karl Rove and Charles Krouthammer all in a tizzy. I’d like people to understand one basic thing.

This is a purge. This is how you PURGE the disease that has become D.C. You disregard the capitol letter after the name, and you say: Bye Bye to anyone that has abandoned the core values of the Republican party. You say Bye Bye to those Dems that voted for socialism over the last 4 years. You PURGE. You stick a giant finger down your throat and do what the runway models do, you PURGE the crap that makes you fat. Right now, the Government is getting that finger.

We have a large battle coming up. We have a lot of time before the Nov.2 election where the PURGE needs to continue. We need to KEEP IT UP!

Karl Rove, listen up. STFU. Steele, and the rest of you embedded SOB’s that think YOU hold sway in the nation, STFU. You guys that were in office through the GWB years are part of the disease. You will be removed with your Democrat counterparts. There is a way to save you. YOU need to come out and take responsibility for your actions, explain to the nation how you’ve learned your lesson and perhaps you will avoid the PURGE! Some have done exactly that.

Learn the lessons GOP, and realize you will be held accountable if you haven’t learned, you will face an engaged electorate. You will face an informed electorate. We will not stop after we right the ship, if you hold your job it’s because WE THE PEOPLE ALLOWED IT! If your actions are against the will of the people YOU WILL SEE THE UNEMPLOYMENT LINE!

6 Replies to “The Purge!”

  1. The American political scene has been given a HOT TEA laxative and the disgusting Dem, and even MORE disgusting RINOs are about to be flushed…

    All we have to do now is not let the NEW crop spoil and turn into RINOs themselves…

  2. Yep Fred, it’s going to be up to folks like us that are not blinded by the R or D after this all washes out. IF the R’s do anything like they did when they held sway, we better be just as engaged or all of this is for nothing.

    IF O’donnel can beat the Dem, and Angle can the Progressive libernutjob Reid, then anything is possible. We would be on the verge of something truly remarkable. At that point though, expect violence. We can expect the left to riot in the streets…That’s good, it flushes them out in the open.

  3. I did not see a single thing here that I disagreed-with (except perhaps on intensity–seemed to be some soft-pedaling in places), but I did notice that Mr. Steele seemed to show some unheralded and properly displayed spine i n the early hours of the O’Donnell victory over the Republicans and others.

  4. Michael Steele and SPINE, not words normally used in the same sentence…

    Spineless MORON is more the norm in describing Steele…

    Steele didn’t exhibit a spine, he was doing as he was told… Whatever it take to keep his job and maintain the appearance of racial diversity…

  5. The success of the tea party movement has all the Establishment pols scurrying around like cockroaches when the light goes on…it really is a joy to watch. Fred’s right–Steele is basically the Republican affirmative action appointee. I mean, come on, his idea of fighting the left was to try & appeal to the “hip-hop” community? That’s just what’s needed to restore the good old American values.

  6. Larry, that’s part of the problem. The GOP has no balls. Steele is such a power hungry SOB he waited to see who wins before showing spine. The right thing to do is support the candidate that most exhibits the core values of the Republican party. NOT the RINO party. But I guess it’s going to take a few more heads on the mantle to get the message across.

    Fred pretty much nailed it.

    Bob, I love that part. They are shaking because their is no leadership to speak of. There is NO corporation, or central figure so they are grasping at straws to demonize someone. No Unions, No groups of racists, No Color based groups…True Americans and truly a grassroots movement. The biggest part of this whole thing is:
    The truth has been shown to the nation. The tea party is a grass root movement. IF the tea party is truly grassroots, then what was all the protests during the Bush years? WHO were they? You will see them again on 10/2…Look at the organizers…FACTS are what we win on. No need to gloat yet. We got work to do.

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