Tag: Who benefits from a race war

Tulsa Shooting. Uh Oh. Is it what it appears?

Tulsa Shooting. Uh Oh. Is it what it appears?

Something doesn’t smell right about this.

Tulsa’s black community unnerved by shootings

TULSA, Okla. – Residents of Tulsa’s predominantly black north side said Saturday they are afraid a shooter is still roaming their neighborhoods looking for victims after five people were shot — and three killed — a day earlier.
“We’re all nervous,” said Renaldo Works, 52, who was getting his hair cut at the crowded Charlie’s Angels Forever Hair Style Shop on Saturday morning. “I’ve got a 15-year-old, and I’m not going to let him out late. People are scared. We need facts.

They have a suspect “White guy in a pick up”. Now, there’s a couple things about this that bother me. It’s in a “black” community.  A white guy going hunting in the black community? WHY? Is it possible someone is trying to incite a race war? Who benefits?

Of course it could also be just some racist nut job who acted alone… OR not a white guy at all. People should NOT jump to conclusions about this.

Anything that benefits one party platform should be questioned. A race war doesn’t help Romney does it? A race war or the fear of one only helps ONE GROUP OF PEOPLE. The democrat party. And it’s a coincidence that the Democrats are the same party who are full of “Socialists” the very same “Socialist” beliefs that Hitler himself had.

Beware of what you think you know. I urge people to think outside the box they put you in. Wake up.