Tag: Union corruption

Unions Run Ad for Labor day.

Unions Run Ad for Labor day.

I kind of like this ad, but it’s pretty misleading.

It’s a great ad about working men and women, but behind the ad is the SEIU, George Soros, the AFLCIO and a few other LEFT-WING groups. They also miscount the MILLIONS of NON-Union Americans that worked to build this nation.

I am not a union employee, I was for a number of years. What I found out is pretty simple:

Unions are a great threat to UNSCRUPULOUS businesses. Unions are a needed entity to keep businesses from creating slave shops. BUT; They are also in many instances worse than the companies themselves. When they can take your union dues and use those funds to push for a candidate of THEIR choice, it’s wrong. When they can use the money YOU put into the union to make political statements that you may or may not agree with, that’s wrong.

Right now, Unions across the nation are doing pretty well, why? because the money from the Democrat party in charge (Who are taking that money from YOU) are making sure they are not suffering like the rest of us. Several unions across this nation ARE suffering, except SEIU and the teachers unions…We are all expected to make sacrifices during tough times, well unless you are a UNION that has a friend in the White House.

I also want to mention this:

In October, the AFLCIO, SEIU, ACLU, ANSWER, La RAZA, Media Matters, NAACP and several other liberal groups funded by George Soros will be holding a rally on the national mall. WHY?  To counter the Beck phenomena that occurred 8/28. I hope people will hold those two rallies up side by side and listen to the messages. I hope America is awakened by what they see and pick a side. I hope with all my heart that America gets a window seat to the disaster these folks have brought.