Tag: Tea party and white people.

Glenn Beck’s Predominatly WHITE Rally

Glenn Beck’s Predominatly WHITE Rally

That’s the headline to most liberal leaning media outlets. After further review I’d like to weigh in on the racial make up of the two rally’s.

Al Sharpton had the same amount of time to plan his “Reclaim the Dream” march. He had all the Alphabet Networks, he had all the liberal talking heads and he had all kinds of support from liberal bloggers. He drew 3000 Predominately black attendees.

Glenn Beck had his show on Fox, and a radio show. He drew over 500k “predominately white” attendees

So does that say anything to those of you that question the make up of the tea party?

Here’s what it says to me. Blacks are not as engaged in the politics of this nation as they should be. Blacks are not involved for the most part. Now before you get all “That’s racist” on me, listen to my reasoning:

The first Black president is a done deal many blacks were very engaged and protested or supported every rally surrounding his candidacy. Once he was elected then the black community seemed to just wait till the expectations were fulfilled. And after all the promises on the campaign trail and the media’s hype, they and us were rightly expecting massive improvements in our lives.

As for the black community I don’t think things have changed much. I don’t see any more or any less black crime, poverty or successes. I can understand the black communities involvement to get the first Black President elected and to show support for that monumental day. Since then nothing has really changed for them. (Or anyone of any color for that matter)

I see unemployment in the black community just as bad if not worse than any other ethnic group, crime is still problem, the education system is just as bad as it was before and there are many problems that have not been addressed. So they are not as engaged as they were 2 years ago, understandable.

I honestly believe 60% of all BLACKS in America share the tea party’s beliefs (Maybe a little high percentage, but I’ve been told I’m an optimist) But I also know a lot of black folks, they are just as proud as the white folks I know and they don’t want to admit they made a mistake, just like the rest of us. (90% of all voting Blacks voted for Obama)

What this says to me is, you shouldn’t be judging the tea party as racist when Al and Jesse can’t even get the blacks out to DC to “Reclaim the dream” when Glenn Beck probably had just as many Black Americans in his rally. The problem isn’t with the “White attendees” it’s with the Black “NON-Attendees.” Blacks are invited to all of the functions just like anyone else. What it also says is the media’s portrayal of the “Racist” Tea party has been effective in keeping the blacks away from the events. Hell I wouldn’t go to a black panther rally even if I agreed with a couple of their statements….

The problem isn’t the tea party being racist, it’s the black community not being involved in the politics and the issues. I honestly believe the tea party is missing a golden opportunity by not going into some of the black areas of our nation and engaging in dialog with them. I think a lot of them are disappointed in the current direction and are looking for a better way.

We need to lead!

ONE EDITORS NOTE: I hope the word “Black” does in no way affect anyone that reads this piece. I’m not sure what the PC way of trying to get my message across would have been. African-American bothers me and it bothers some folks with a darker complexion than myself. So with that, I offer no apologies for my use of the word black in this article. Just know that I am in no way trying to cast a negative light on any color, just an explanation as to the MSM’s assertion of the racist tea party.