Tag: Taxes

Obama Caves on Taxes?

Obama Caves on Taxes?

 This will be a very quick post.

I honestly believe there is some strategy playing out and if the GOP plays it right they can bury the progressive democrats for many years to come. But never fear, the GOP has been known to snatch defeat from the jaws of victory in the past.

The Republicans held firm on the “Don’t tax ANYONE” line. GOOD. They were unified and they presented Obama with a real problem. His class warfare strategy got called. Now I don’t like that the Republicans gave up so much, and I really hate that they allowed “Duh Won” to claim he is “Compromising” but listen for a second.

The democrats hate this, not the moderates but the far left progressives. The Nancy Pelosi’s the Waters and the Rangle’s… This may die in the house and senate. IF it does, then our taxes go up everyones taxes go up and as long as the REPUBLICANS STAY UNIFIED, the Democrats come out looking like the culprit. IF that happens, Obama will be forced to deal with a majority Republican house and a senate that’s split. The “Hostage takers” language is falling on deaf ears because everyone knows the republicans are NOT trying to tax the middle and lower classes, they want EVERYONE to be equal, isn’t that the utopia of the uber left?

Anyway, the only way this strategy fails is if:

1: The Democrats get on board with the new plan.

2. Too many R’s vote against it. Already a couple of them are saying NO. Which is bad.

IF this tax bill passes the way it is, and the jobs start coming back. The R’s stand to gain as much as Obama. IF the bill fails, and the R’s were unified in it’s defeat and the jobs stay stagnant Obama and the D’s take a bath in 2012.

Although this is just an opinion and I could be wrong. I think the gamesmanship is evident.

What are you willing to pay?

What are you willing to pay?

With all the Tea Party fan fare, there has been a steady liberal attack on the tea party faithful over federal spending. I’ve heard libturds say such ridiculous things as “Well,I guess we should close all prisons, and stop funding the military too”…That got me thinking a bit.

So what are tea party’ers willing to fund? can we say stop spending except for things we like?

Well, I’m more than willing to pay my fair share on things that fedzilla should be responsible for such as:


3. Infrastructure

4. Law enforcement/Fire Dept.

Now, lets look at a few other things that I’m ok with, not thrilled but OK. (this my get some paulinista’s and even some hard core conservatives upset but oh well)

I’m not a fan of Government running anything, but they do run these things and they are wrought with fraud. I’m OK with my money helping those in need, but I’m totally against my money going to help those that are abusing a good idea.

1. Social security. I would have been against it when it started, but since I’ve been paying into it for over 30 years I want it there if/when I need it.

2. Unemployment benefits. With a couple of restrictions. the recipient must have been employed 2 years for every month of benefits. I’m sick of folks getting unemployment checks that only worked for a year or two and keep drawing checks for 6 months, then can get a 3 month extension. Also, every recipient must submit to random drug testing after the first month. I have no problem taking a little out of my paycheck to help those TRULY in need, and more than willing to work. The old saying “There but by the grace of God go I” comes to mind. I’ve worked ever since I was old enough to do so, and I’ve never collected a DIME of unemployment state or federal aid. BUT I’d like to know if things got bad, I’d a get a little something to bridge the gap since I’ve been putting into it all these years.

3. Disability. The TRULY disabled. I’d like to see a policy of more than one Doc being able to send in the recommendation. One corrupt doc costs all of us a lot of money. I’d like to see a panel of docs that have to agree on disability rather than it being left to a personal Doctor. I have a personal Doc, when I see him with an ailment, I could tell him I need to be out of work for a month and he’d write it up for me…I’d bet quite a few Doc’s out there especially in HMO’s will do the same.


1. Limit the length of time one can collect it.

2. Mandatory Drug testing for all recipients

3. Able bodied recipients must put in at least 20 hours a week for the city/state in which they live. Graffiti removal, litter removal, janitorial, cutting grass or whatever.

4. End the addition of child credits, no more of the “The more kids you have the more money you get” rule.

5. No Illegal Immigrant shall collect a dime.

6. Mandatory job search checks, if the person is not looking for work, he/she needs to work for the welfare check by working for the city/state doing things that benefit those that are paying for the checks….US.

There are probably a few more that I’d like to see but that’s the biggest part. The libturds paint us as heartless fat cats that want to step on the little guy…Dumbasses I am the little guy.

These are socialist ideals, yes I agree they are. I also know that it’s intent was to assist people in their time of need using the masses to pay small amounts in order to allow those truly desolate a hand up. A noble cause indeed. What has happened since the idea is less than noble. The funds for those socialist tenets became a right rather than an emergency fund, they have became a hand out. People have begun to live on them and ask for more, people have became “Entitled” rather than thankful.

These 4 items need REFORM in the truest sense of the word. But in classic case, our idiots in DC are reforming something else that will make it to #5 on my list very shortly.

California Votes today

California Votes today

Those of us stuck behind enemy lines get a chance to voice our anger over the tax and spend leadership of this once great state.

Let me lay out the Propositions and how I am voting:

A plan that is a bait and switch by the elite power brokers in Sacramento, this will cause taxes to be INCREASED. It proposes to limit future deficits by increasing the State’s ‘rainy day’ fund,” but it would also exact “higher state tax revenues of roughly $16 billion.” Yes, Proposition 1-A is nothing less than the authorization of a massive tax increase to deposit in a state “reserve.. California had a big reserve and could have one again if it addressed some of the real issues, like the BILLIONS of dollars annually being sucked out of the coffers by the illegal immigrants and their 3.5 kids apiece. (I’ll never vote for another tax increase as long as long as the Illegal Immigrant issue is overlooked)


This is another wonderful proposition and it’s basically saying that YOU and I need to pay more so the teachers union doesn’t lose revenue. I love the teachers and think they are underpaid, BUT I also think enough is enough. You are getting paid by the state for asses in seats, over half of the asses in the seats are from Illegal Immigrants, maybe not all now, but the ones that have come in since prop 187 as passed and then overturned in the courts. IF those seats were empty your class sizes would be smaller, your work load less and  the need to build more schools would be non existent.


A shell game, it is arm twisting the creditors and adding more taxes to players and of course the lottery was supposed to benefit education….but every year there seems to be a problem with educational funding….Hmm perhaps a union is behind this??? Hell No on this too.


The California Legislature imposed a tax on cigarettes a few years back  for early childhood programs. Now, here is that same Legislature telling you that it wants to move that money around in whatever way it sees fit. Time to reign in the reckless fucknozzles and tell them NO MORE!


Californians voted in 2004 to provide funds for specific mental health services. It was called Proposition 63. Now comes the Legislature to undo the work of the supporters of Proposition 63 by getting what they hope is a forgetful public to take money from that purpose and give it over to another purpose. Typical of the con men running this state… all we are seeing in these props are shell games and bait and switch.


This is hilarious, what do you think will happen if you prevent pay increases if the budget isn’t balanced? You will get a balanced budget on the backs of the working class every year! We will see quicker hand ringing than this year.. the RINO’s that actually fought tax increases and didn’t back down will be much quicker to back down if their wallet is tied to their vote….I say screw and hit the NO button on all of them.

The real TEA party voice starts in California, not because we as a state are conservative or liberal or Dem or Rep, it’s because WE ARE TAXED ENOUGH ALREADY! and we get to vote our voices TODAY! Let the idiots in Sacramento hear you California.

America’s 2nd Tea Party today!

America’s 2nd Tea Party today!

The day is here to make your point. Take the day off, take an hour for lunch, do whatever you can to make an appearance at a gathering. They are EVERYWHERE, I’m sure if you look closely enough you will find one very close to you.

IF you don’t make time to show up for this event, please don’t bother sharing your displeasure with the tax and spend system. Go prepared, Go willing to talk to the media and Go with an attitude!