Tag: Steny Hoyer tells a lie

Steny Hoyer (D-Umbass) puts on a spin

Steny Hoyer (D-Umbass) puts on a spin

Pay attention Obama, and the rest of you progressives. This is how you SPIN!

HT for the video to Chicks on the Right

WOW… Now that kind of spin would produce enough electricity to power Phoenix in the summer…

Lets see; GWB put a tax cut in place after 9-11 to stave off an economic downturn. And it worked. Bush put an expiration date on it IN CASE the economy was robust enough to handle it’s loss in the future. The future is here and since DEMOCRATS flunked economy 101, the economy CAN’T handle the tax increase the expiration would bring about.

Man I tell you if any democrat in their right mind buys this our nation is truly screwed.