Tag: Squandered Opportunity for racial harmony

America Lost A Chance

America Lost A Chance

America elected its first Black President in 2008. Unfortunately the one elected was a far left liberal Democrat. He was elected by white guilt liberals, 95% of African Americans, Hispanics and the wishy washy center left people in this nation.

From the minute Barack Obama stepped into the White House, race has been the cause of the day. Disagree with Obama, you’re racist. Cop doesn’t treat black professor with kid gloves=Acted stupidly and racist. Trayvon Martin, Voter Intimidation etc. Everything has revolved around the color of Obama’s skin. Barack Obama had an opportunity to show young Black Americans that the highest offices in the land are available if you work hard and obey laws.. BUT:

America has been told, Racism is the cause of everything. More blacks in prison because of race, education failing black folks because of racism, jobs are not in the hood because of racism etc..

If a Republican Black man/woman had been elected first POTUS of color, would it have been different? I contend YES. And I use Condoleezza Rice as an example of the type of person a Black POTUS who was PRO-American would act. Instead of blaming hardship on racism, would instead find solutions. Instead of relishing the victimhood would point out how they’ve risen above it. The type of person that would have propelled the African American community to a much better place than this current idiots has moved them.

The worst part is, we the people will remember how the charges of “Racism” divided this nation in the false narrative and it will take a generation or two before its repairable.