Tag: Spying on Senators

CIA Spying on Senators?

CIA Spying on Senators?

Well Well… Funny how times change. Dianne Feinstein is upset that the CIA may have spied on her and her staffers… I remember not too long ago, the good senator was defending the NSA for spying on us… Almost, dare I say hypocritical of Mrs Feinstein.

The head gun grabber in the senate is having a problem with the apparent abuse of the 4th amendment? She doesn’t seem to care about abusing the 2nd amendment so others abusing her 4th amendment should be perfectly okay shouldn’t it?

In the next administration, when a scandal or perceived over reach warrants a deposition and a REPUBLICAN pleads the 5th amendment, I thoroughly expect people like Feinstein to lead the charge for revoking the 5th for said person.

The bottom line in liberal land is: Its up to US to decide if the constitution applies to you or us. Liberals will pick and choose which laws or amendments to follow or allow. The constitution is not for everyone anymore. Its a living document that we can change on a case by case basis.

The election in 2014 will hopefully see a senate changing hands. Hopefully MORE Ted Cruz’s less McCain’s. But if SCOTUS goes full liberal, the nation will look like Venezuela now by 2020.