Tag: Sophia Chua-Rubenfeld

Raising Kids Right, Tiger Mom et al.

Raising Kids Right, Tiger Mom et al.

I came across an article about a book called “Battle Hymn of the Tiger Mother” From what I gather since I haven’t read the book (Nor do I plan too because my kids are grown)It’s a book about raising kids the RIGHT way. Staying involved, demanding success and being there to help with the learning process.

I have read some reviews of this book and it struck me as the typical “Lower the bar” mentality. Reviewers have criticized the “Tiger Mother” for being abusive, controlling and overbearing. (I’m betting NOT one conservative is among those criticizing her)

Her daughter, the one she wrote the book about has now created her own blog on the web to defend her family. I ask WHY in the hell does she need to “Defend” anything?

To me this girl is the product of a loving mother, a mother who by all accounts drove her daughter to be independent, self motivating, driven and intelligent. Yeah you better stop that right now!

Amy Chua is a Chinese Immigrant, a LEGAL Immigrant I might add. She raised her kids as Americans. She recognized the opportunities of this land, and demanded the best from her kids. Her method is not unlike the Chinese, Japanese, Korean method which is pretty much summed up as “Set the bar HIGH and drive to move it HIGHER” In America, evidently we have gone the other way. We have kids who don’t strive for greatness anymore. We have kids striving to be mediocre and if that’s too tough we lower the bar for that. We have developed the dreaded “We deserve it” mentality and it’s 75% the parents fault. Deal with that for a minute.

Amy Chua has done NOTHING special if we were talking about the late 50’s but here in the 2000’s she’s a monster or a genius.

We raised two great sons. We were strict on demanding they do well in school, We were very strict about what was acceptable (We didn’t demand A’s, they were rewarded but our demands were No Less than B’s) Both Graduated High school, Neither has seen the inside of a jail cell, nor a courtroom. Both are living on their own now. We considered our child raising endeavor a success. As I read Amy Chua’s experience I realize we didn’t fail, but we didn’t succeed. We merely got by. I can deal with it.

Why is there so much “Hate” for this “Tiger Mom”? I have an opinion that it’s more than just her success. It’s probably because she’s HOT too…

Parents in California (I know many of them) have ceased to become PARENTS and instead decided to be “Best Friends” with their offspring. This is NOT how you raise successful kids. The Hispanic culture around here is a prime example. (Not all) Some seem more intent on making their kids ready for gang life, rather than American Life.

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