Tag: Ron Paul Supporters

Ron Paul vs Ron Paul Supporters…

Ron Paul vs Ron Paul Supporters…

After 2008. The election of Barack Obama was the headline. Before 2008 the headlines were mostly McCain, Racism, RINO’s and Ron Paul… Ron Paul never got a fair shake in the media then and to this day still really doesn’t. But who’s fault is that?

Ron Paul has a speaking voice that cracks glass. His foreign policy views make MOST Americans cringe. His rampant “Constitutionalism” is a hard pill to swallow for most folks. Ron Paul is an absolutionist. Meaning it’s either ALL the way or NO WAY. So social issues and anything that is not expressly allowed in the constitution would get the veto. And some RIGHTLY SHOULD.

I have a real problem with Paul’s foreign policy but his domestic policy I could seriously get behind. The problem I have is NOT with Paul so much as it is his supporters.

The “Supporters” of Lord Paul are about as rabid in their support as the Islamic worshipers are of Allah..

IF ANY candidate’s support staff acts the way these Ron Paul supporters they can write me off as a potential vote for their cause. I’m sick of the “IF you don’t follow Paul, you’re not conservative” B.S. You Ron Paulbots have a worship style that borders on insane and I can say without a doubt Ron Paul will never be POTUS. His son Rand has a better shot at it. See if you can’t ruin his chances too…

Ron Paul supporters…. Idiots.

Ron Paul supporters…. Idiots.

You want to know why I’m going to have a tough time backing Ron Paul? This is one reason:

We on the “Right” of the aisle are supposed to be better than the code pink crowd. This type of B.S. is typical of the lefty’s not something I can support in anyway. Cheney and Rumsfield may have not done somethings right. Iraq was (IS) a questionable endeavor but this was totally disrespectful and childish.

Ron Paul loses votes based on his supporters actions, that’s true with ANY CANDIDATE and Ron is already on the fringe. Be careful Paulinista’s you will do more damage than good for your boy.