Tag: RINO Hunter



Local listeners to KFI-am-640 have been treated to the John and Ken show, those guys are loaded for bear over the RINO’s in California. WE have an abundance of RINO’s around here and when the population of ANY species gets too big for the land to handle it must be dealt with. RINO’s are known to trample on common sense, they destroy HONOR, they eat all the available cash crop to grow their own coffers. They are a menace to society and we must hunt them down and remove them from any leadership position. Heads on a stick so to speak, it’s time for us to unite, and recall all those that do not live up to their stated CONSERVATIVE values. IF they classify as RINO’s they need to be REMOVED ASAP!…

This is a public service announcement for Californians.

Arnie Swarzenegger needs to be removed ASAP he has always been a RINO and perhaps the most RINO like EVER!


Vote out Anthony Adams and Jeff Miller.

This is a good start but there are also the 3 idiots that voted for the STICK-IT-TO-US in the DC senate.