Tag: Results of six years of Obama

The Record Speaks for Itself..

The Record Speaks for Itself..

After six years of Obama politics. Six years with a Senate controlled by the party of the President. Two years when Barack Obama had control of both houses of Congress… A partial list of his campaign promises and the results of his failed leadership:


Reduce the national debt: No
Close Guantanamo Bay: No
Get lobbying out of politics: No
Make government transparent: No
Reduce unemployment: No
Fix immigration mess: No
Balance a budget: NO
Unite the nation: NO
Help the Poor: NO
Make education affordable: NO

There’s many more NO’s but its a start.

Here are some YES’s…
Degrade our military: Yes
Use Government agency’s to stifle Opposition: Yes
Spy on American citizens: Yes
Kill American Citizens with drones: Yes
Unravel the best healthcare system in the world: Yes
Lie about Obamacare: Yes
Blame an embassy attack on a youtube video: Yes
Allow four Americans to be killed in Benghazi and go to Vegas to party: Yes
Pick and choose which laws the government will enforce: Yes
Instruct the Dept of Justice to look the other way at voter intimidation: Yes
Blame everyone under the sun for failures: Yes
Egypt in Chaos: Yes
Get punk’d by Vladimir Putin regarding Syria: Yes
Make a nuclear deal with Iran that allows them to get a nuclear bomb: Yes
Watch Iraq burn because you didn’t get a status of force agreement: Yes
Change the Rules of Engagement in Afghanistan so our guys are handcuffed: Yes
Announce withdraw date and ignore the Military deaths climbing to 2/3 of total: Yes

There’s many more Yes’s just like this, but it’s a start.


When faced with these FACTS, these RECORDS the Democrat voter, the Obama supporters will go to the standard. “Race Card” or the “But George Bush” argument. They tend to use the good things that Obama has done… Which I can’t think of ANY, they will point to his “Equality” work. His Gay Marriage/Gays in the military or the “DreamAct executive order” So, these things are what he’s going to hang his “Legacy” on? Gays and Dreamers?


Look, the fact is I can’t stand Barack Obama. And it’s got nothing to with his paint job. Its his record. Its also the fact that Barack Obama has been president for only less than half of the nation. He’s done NOTHING for the good of the nations economy, military, welfare, energy or the future for our kids. He’s only doing things that will gain voters to the democrat party by promising to provide for those less fortunate. He’s not offering HIS personal time or money to help them, he’s offering to take OTHERS money to help the less fortunate. That’s not “Noble” that’s THEFT.


Take a look at the record again at the top of this post. Ask yourself: IF a white democrat had that record would it be okay with you? What has Barack Obama done for the Black community? Record unemployment. What has he done for the latino community? Record unemployment. What has he done for the youth? record unemployment. You may ask: Why is it Barack Obama’s fault? The answer is simple, his policies have stifled business while helping the stock market. IF the fed wasn’t pumping in money into the economy (Quantitative easing) The stock market would be around 7 to 8 thousand. That’s it.


What Obama has done with his policies is enable him to continue his drive to socialism without upsetting the people. The people, have been demonized by charges of racism if they disagree with dear leader so they stay silent or put up false arguments to ease their conscience.


Barack Obama is running the nation like a mayor of a city. He’s demonized the rich in public while at the same time, made them richer. The “Evil 1%” has grown since Obama declared war on them. The tuitions of college students has gone up.. The very folks he used to get elected by promising them a fix are getting fixed now.

The Tea Party patriots have been vindicated by the results of 6 years of tyrannical leftist rule. And its going to get worse if in 2014 Conservatives don’t take over the senate.


The results I started this post with will grow. I’m betting in the near future Obama will try to gain back his socialist base by closing GITMO. Mark my words there will be a push to do two things in the near future: One Amnesty, Two Gitmo. Those are two issues that pit Conservatives against Republicans and Republicans against Libertarians.

Sorry for such a long post but I felt my blood boiling and I needed to release the pressure.