Tag: Reaching out to the inner cities

Attention Tea Party, You are blowing it.

Attention Tea Party, You are blowing it.

I found an interesting take on the current events surrounding the tea party and it’s aims. The Black Informant makes a good point about the tea party.

Dear Tea Party, You Are Blowing It.

A few weeks ago, I told radio talk show host Rhonda Deniston out in San Diego that if the Republican party/Tea Party wanted to be taken more seriously in the Black community, it would target places like the Detroit, MI area. Instead of pointing to that area as an example of what happens when Liberalism rules an area, the Right should invest in that area and get behind organizations that are addressing some of the issues that plague that region. Get behind candidates that have both a track record and the ability to bring life back to that region.

The Democratic party does not give a flying flip about this area except during election season. And instead of going to places like this to invest, the Tea Party has resorted to simply providing a dog and pony show for the media and critics to prove that they actually “love” Black people. The Rest is HERE

I think the man makes a good point. The tea party is mostly preaching to the choir, we are making gains in independents, but that’s to be expected. Where the true “Honey Pot” of disenfranchised voters is located is in the inner cities. The places that have been Democrat for so long they know nothing else. Democrats have successfully defended those areas not by EMPOWERMENT for the people, but by keeping them in chains. They are dependents of the state for the most part.

The inner cities, the vast pools of Democrat voters are kept in that mindset by crumbs from the tables of the elites. Every election year Democrats swamp those areas making promises of MORE gifts, aid and promises of more funding from fedzilla. This is the endless mindless cycle of the “Gimme more” mentality. Now is a good time to look at what they have been given. Despair, ruin, unemployment, high crime, poor education, slums… the list goes on.

Places like Detroit, LA, Chicago, NY, and several other inner cities are absolutely dying because of the lack of JOBS in those areas, and as the population grows in those areas, the plight becomes more and more illuminated.

So how does the tea party breech that mentality? How does the tea party truly reach out to say they have a better way? All the left has done is attacked the tea party, they can not challenge the tea party on the issues. And I think. maybe the inner cities have come to the realization that if Obama can’t do it all for them, it can’t be done. So maybe NOW is the time we can truly offer another path for those in the food lines….

I made a comment at the Black informants site, and basically said: IF those inside the areas like Detroit and the like, stood up they would find a huge support structure right beside them.

Those in the desolate cities, the areas that have experienced the liberal rule and are now finding themselves in despair, if they would just rise up and not demand the government do more, but that they do LESS, and get the hell out of their lives and let businesses come back to invest in those areas, things would get dramatically better. Show the investors that the people in those areas are ready to change and they will find support. Show the world the lessons have been learned and you are ready to try another path.

What would the tea party be able to offer those folks?  Not much because the tea party represents country, and self. It is a group of people that believe in personal responsibility and faith. IF the message of the tea party hasn’t reached the areas of the above story, it’s because they don’t believe in it. It’s because they are ignoring it in order to keep the crumbs coming.  It would only take one strong voice in those areas to push a movement to new heights. But it takes ONE VOICE.

Don’t lay it on the tea party because they haven’t reached out to these areas, it’s up to those areas to reach out to the tea party. When they do they will find a welcoming hand and hug.