Tag: Putin slapping Obama around

Russia does a Flyby…

Russia does a Flyby…

So a Russian war plane did some flyby’s to show off for one of our ships in the black sea… Evidently Barack Obama drew some redlines around the ship, because Putin crossed those too.. Evidently Russia has a top gun pilot…


On one hand, I’m a bit angered by the event. The plane was within a thousands yards of our ship and we did what? We sent a stern tweet? Did the POTUS unfriend Putin? Did he call him on the bat phone? Vladimir Putin is playing a game with Obama that will have dire consequences should this game turn out wrong. On the other hand, I find myself respecting Putin for his honesty about his intentions, his desire to be a big player and for his move to fill a void in world leadership that is missing since 2007.

“Consequences” is a very key word. In a liberal mind, consequences are the result of other people’s decisions not theirs. For example, the Obamacare disaster is because Republicans didn’t or don’t help fix it. The economy is wrecked because the rich won’t pay up. Russia is aggressive because of weakness… etc..

The really sad part is, the United States is more vulnerable now than we have been since Pearl Harbor. We have the Islamic Radicals licking their chops, we have Russia, China, Iran all plotting to remove the USA from any power position and we have our POTUS playing their game blind….


But not to worry, we got gay marriage, Don’t ask Don’t Tell was repealed and Illegals are not being deported….If you consider those things accomplishments then he’s done those. Other than those things, Barack Obama has done NOTHING to benefit the USA.

Sorry to my kids, my grandkids and all who may come after them. We tried to stop the stupid but the stupid was too strong….