Tag: Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu

Pay attention Obama, that’s how it’s done!

Pay attention Obama, that’s how it’s done!

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu went to the UN and unloaded on the hypocrisy and uselessness of that body. He didn’t apologize for standing up for what’s right. He didn’t make excuses, he didn’t throw his friends under the bus. And he did his nation PROUD!

I am not an Israeli, nor am I jewish but after his speech, I was proud of the fact that MY NATION has supported his nation since the 40’s… I am also very saddened by the fact that our apologizer in chief is blaming Israel for all the troubles. I suppose that’s what happens when you are educated in Kenya, and raised in Chicago under libturd professors.

Well Done Mr. Netanyahu. ALL Israeli’s should be very proud of you and be proud to be Israeli.