Tag: Occupation of America

Occupy Everything…

Occupy Everything…

Lets see. The same folks that are “occupying” streets in America are against “Occupying” streets elsewhere… Uh Oh.

That’s just some wacked stuff there aint it? How about this:

The folks “Occupying” mostly have no jobs. Mostly are college students. Mostly disgusted with everything except the quality of weed, coke, or meth they have been getting. I’m sure they’re a bit pissed at the availability of the drugs though. YET MOST of them have ipads, iphones, internet connection across the board. They seem to LOVE Michael Moore and JZ but hate capitalist pigs and the Jooos…

Whew I’m just getting warmed up here…

They all hate the banks but most have accounts with banks. They made a statement when they were closing accounts at Bank of America then opened up accounts at credit UNIONS. Then OWS “leadership” opened an account with Wells fargo…huh?

They claim there’s no job for the 99%ers. Yet their protest have cost more jobs than they have created. NOW the small business owners have had enough near Zuccati park and will have their own protest..

The 99% Trespassed at blog con and were roundly verbally beaten to a pulp. Dana Laesh (I can’t ever spell her name right) looked like a damn super model in the video I saw but I’m thinking it was more because of the competition. She’s extremely HOT don’t get me wrong, but the commie OWS idiots were really UGLY.

OWS has a very unified message and if you haven’t heard it, well it’s because you’re not stoned enough.

The OWS crowd has that whole “Rape” thing figured out now. Lock them women up! Funny how that is huh? Wasn’t it these same people who were doing the slut march? They blamed the cops for blaming the women for the rapes, now the OWS is putting women in their place. I hope there’s a kitchen and a vacuum cleaner in their so they can get some worthwhile training….

Truth be told in my youth I’d probably be right there in the park too. Where else can you get free weed, free sex, free food, and free healthcare? I mean, really the welfare state is in Zuccatti park and other encampments.

Once the R candidate is announced, the “OWS” will mean “Obama’s wonderful Students” and the DNC will have a tent on every corner for their vote drive.