Tag: Obama’s executive orders

Dear Leader Executive Order Amnesty

Dear Leader Executive Order Amnesty

And as we said would happen, Barack Obama will grant Amnesty to MILLIONS of illegal Immigrants.. Right after the nation made it very clear, America wants a change of direction. Obama and the democrats have been pushing for Amnesty for a while, well in election years anyway. So when America voted to send democrats to the unemployment line, of course that means Obama needs to continue with the policies America voted out, right? Of course not, don’t be silly….


So, why will Obama grant amnesty? Is it for future votes? Yep. To help the economy? Nope. To help his crony’s his businessmen friends? Yep. And to be fair, there’s a few RINO’s that are absolutely fine with Obama doing this. For the same reason. MONEY. Cheap labor..


Here’s some real fuel for the fire here. Obama will do this illegally, he is figuring on the public perception that he is the victim of evil republicans if they impeach him or sue him or even talk bad about him. He figures that just like Obamacare, once the gift is given, nobody can take it back or they’d be labeled evil… Its a bold play, its a play that puts power of party, legacy above good of country. And that should be enough to keep democrats out of power for generations. But it won’t. We are a nation ruled by people who are elected because of the ignorance of the population.


So as you’re watching the most wonderful dear leader ever on prime time tomorrow. (I won’t be watching) Realize that this action is nothing more than a hail marry pass hoping that the latino/hispanic caucus will be able to push Hillary over the top in 2016. Hillary is white so the black vote is going to be back to normal levels. So the democrat party NEEDS a large turnout of Latino/Hispanic voters. FACT.

I find it hilarious that Obama was elected in large part due to the 95% of black voters in both POTUS elections going to him. Yet, the only thing he’s done for the black community is make a statement about Trayvon, Show up in Ferguson and say cops acted stupidly… Other than that, he’s been a disaster for blacks. But he’s been fabulous for gays and mucho el awesomo for hispanics…. Funny how that works huh?


In his book, “Dreams of my Father” Obama said this:

“[T]here’s no denying that many blacks share the same anxieties as many whites about the wave of illegal immigration flooding our Southern border—a sense that what’s happening now is fundamentally different from what has gone on before. Not all these fears are irrational. The number of immigrants added to the labor force every year is of a magnitude not seen in this country for over a century. If this huge influx of mostly low-skill workers provides some benefits to the economy as a whole—especially by keeping our workforce young, in contrast to an increasingly geriatric Europe and Japan—it also threatens to depress further the wages of blue-collar Americans and put strains on an already overburdened safety net.”

He knew this, he knows this is true, but he has a plan. His plan is “Raise the minimum wage” That will do it… Nope. It will create high tech jobs and cost jobs in minimum wage fields… But all of his plans have worked out so far.. sigh.

Obamacare, IRS, DOJ, FastAndFurious, Job Numbers, Solyndra, Shovel Ready.. Just a few LIES, but believe Obama now.. LOL.