Tag: Obama should take blame as well as he accepts good

Obama “Spikes” gets “SPIKED!”

Obama “Spikes” gets “SPIKED!”

Barack Obama landed in Kabul yesterday to make a speech meet with the Afghan leader and campaign meet the troops. And it’s absolutely GREAT that he did that. I’ve always thought POTUS’s should visit the areas they send our best and brightest. BUT

After Obama spiked the football again (After he said he wouldn’t) and since the State Run Media of the alphabet networks bashed GWB for a 1 second image of 9-11’s attack. And since the media is executing executive order 1001 “Carry water for Obama at all costs” It’s up to US in the new media to bring TRUTH to that which must not be reported. I will do my best, but this ad does it for me. SHARE IT, POST IT, TWEET IT…

Now that’s gotta hurt.

Let’s also ask this question: IF Obama can take credit for KILLING Usama Bin Laden because he made a decision that was a no-brainer. Should he not be required to take the blame for the 30 Americans who were killed when a helicopter was shot down in Afghanistan? He is the commander in chief and he’s obviously running every aspect of seal team 6, who had many members on that helicopter.

Now obviously that would be asking too much. For dear leader to lead and accept responsibility for anything that didn’t go well. So lets take an alternative look at the UBL raid. Let’s say seal team 6 wasn’t successful and all of them were killed in the raid. Lets say Pakistan’s military helped in killing Seal team 6. Who would get blamed for it? We already have conflicting stories on “WHO” ordered “WHO” to do what… So, does anyone doubt that Leon Pannetta would be the one who made the “Gutsy Call” if it went south?

Obama is a master at Chicago Politics. There was a way out of this if it didn’t go as planned. A “gutsy call” my ass. The only POLITICIAN in that situation room photo who I would have expected to make that call without thinking of the “Political ramifications” would have been Hillary Clinton. I honestly believe that with Hillary our nation would have been better off than it is now.

Think on that for a bit… Scary aint it?