Tag: Obama regime is clueless

Why does Obama Golf?

Why does Obama Golf?

So I was listening to the local news today and were talking about Obama and his golf outings. Now, I’m a golfer so I understand the lure of the links. But I was not elected to run a nation. Obama plays golf, takes vacations, throws party’s and spends a lot of time trying to help get the ruling class re-elected. I asked myself why does he do it? Why does he brush off all the nations ills and hit the links? I think I know now.

1. The economy was Bush’s fault, so I’ll play golf.

2. The Wars weren’t started on my watch, so I’ll play golf,

3. The Oil spill in the gulf was not my fault, so I’ll play golf.

4. The issue with McChrystal WAS a direct reflection on me, so I’ll play golf after I fire him.

And the list goes on.

Looking at it like this, it makes sense. Obama and his crew are not responsible for anything ever. IF you place your self in that mindset you can reason away any vacation or trip or golf game in every instance. This is why Obama plays golf….He’s doing everything right in his mind and everyone else is at fault.

Personally I knew that he was this type of guy from go street. He came into office blaming everyone. But news flash bucko, 2 years into your infestation WE ARE WORSE OFF.

I can’t for the life me understand the Republicans, they should be harping on the fact that Nancy and Harry have been in charge for 4 years.

Attention Republicans:

The talking point of the left is “Bush drove the car in the ditch for 8 years” FACT is he drove it into the ditch in five years, he had a lot of DEMOCRAT help for 2 years. (I’m leaving the 1st year off, because Bush had to deal with Clinton’s failures and 9-11, notice he didn’t spend a lot of time blaming Bill Clinton?)

Take the gloves off, call them to the mat and lets get the fight on. Quit pussy footing around and bust someone in the mouth will ya please?