Tag: NSA

CIA Spying on Senators?

CIA Spying on Senators?

Well Well… Funny how times change. Dianne Feinstein is upset that the CIA may have spied on her and her staffers… I remember not too long ago, the good senator was defending the NSA for spying on us… Almost, dare I say hypocritical of Mrs Feinstein.

The head gun grabber in the senate is having a problem with the apparent abuse of the 4th amendment? She doesn’t seem to care about abusing the 2nd amendment so others abusing her 4th amendment should be perfectly okay shouldn’t it?

In the next administration, when a scandal or perceived over reach warrants a deposition and a REPUBLICAN pleads the 5th amendment, I thoroughly expect people like Feinstein to lead the charge for revoking the 5th for said person.

The bottom line in liberal land is: Its up to US to decide if the constitution applies to you or us. Liberals will pick and choose which laws or amendments to follow or allow. The constitution is not for everyone anymore. Its a living document that we can change on a case by case basis.

The election in 2014 will hopefully see a senate changing hands. Hopefully MORE Ted Cruz’s less McCain’s. But if SCOTUS goes full liberal, the nation will look like Venezuela now by 2020.

Did Christie Know?

Did Christie Know?

Yeah I’m trying to control my give a shit impulse. Fact is, Christie is a RINO and he spent a lot of time with Barack Obama before the 2012 election. Remember that election, the one where the Mainstream Media hid, deflected, lied and basically failed in their duty to report Benghazi? Yeah, FOUR Americans died, Obama partied in Vegas… BUT Hey, Christie knew about a bridge closure? Or did he?


Now remember the NEW YORK TIMES reported “NEW FACTS” on Benghazi that proved Al Qaeda wasn’t involved in the attack on 9-11-11 in Benghazi? Which was disputed by the STATE DEPARTMENT less than 2 days after the NYT story came out? Yeah but we’re to believe this story without question? No.

Look, personally I don’t give a damn about Chris Christie. I’m not voting for him in 2016 anyway. I don’t care if he’s going against Sandra Fluke or Piers Morgan for POTUS. I’m done with the RINO brigade. But I do care about journalistic standards. I care about hypocrisy of media/Political party’s.

What I would suggest is this: IF Christie knew and he abused his power in this manner, then he should resign NOW. And since we KNOW Obama knew about the IRS, DOJ, NSA and Benghazi he should also RESIGN NOW. That’s consistency. So if you’re not a party hack, you should be for both of those resignations and push them both to hit the road.


Misdirection, Deceit and Lies…

Misdirection, Deceit and Lies…

What we are seeing now is the best effort to hide the lack of leadership our nation is going through EVER. We have the media focused on the George Zimmerman witch hunt and subsequent stake burning, while the White House is on fire… The nation is suffering, the world is suffering but hey, some guy who would have liked to be cop rather than a bad guy shot a thug on a dark night after he was beaten.. OH MY GAWD!

As much as I enjoy a good circus, the Zimmerman trial ended for me yesterday. The defense is on solid footing within the facts, the prosecution on the other hand is emotion first. Emotions are strong motivators but rarely do they lead to good decisions. And that’s where we are now.

Emotions led to Obamacare, which in case you didn’t notice got delayed until after the 2014 elections. Is anyone asking questions? Nope. How about media ask these questions:

1. How can a President delay a law that was signed and SCOTUS approved with a stroke of the pen? Where in the Obamacare law does it state that a President has the right to enact it whenever its convenient? IF Obama can delay it and implement it at will, does that mean the next POTUS can retroactively delay it, stop it, kill it?

2. The Congressional Budget office COUNTED on the 4.8 BILLION dollars of revenue that implementation would generate through business penalties to make Obamacare “Deficit Neutral” without those dollars for another year, what is the outlook for the national debt?

Just off the top of my head….

Then there’s the Benghazi, IRS, DOJ, NSA scandals that have taken a back seat to Trayvon’s rotting corpse… Oh and don’t dare look at the gas prices up to 4.00 a gallon and the job market declining and the food/energy prices rising…  “But hey ya’ll I gotta go to Africa, cause George Bush did good things there…”

Political strategy?

Democrat thinking: IF the senate refused to pass Amnesty, Obama would have implemented Obamacare as it was LAW. But since Amnesty passed the senate, Obama and his democrat cronies aren’t sure what the house is going to do, they are counting on Boehner to kill the senate bill, then the dems will run against racist republicans the same old story that usually works. Right now, the dems don’t know if the house will pass Amnesty and if they do, coupled with OBAMACARE Train Wreck, they think they may lose the house and Senate…I disagree with that thinking.

If the house passes Amnesty, the house is full democrat in 2014. The senate is going to stay majority democrat anyway unless the RINO’s get Primaried. Most conservatives are fed up with RINO’s and Democrats. Enthusiasm is gone for Republicans in the senate.

Your thoughts on any of this?



The NSA Scandal

The NSA Scandal

So the latest scandal that Obama is dealing with is the #NSA. Some whistleblower finally came out and told the truth about what is going on. We the people have assumed for a while that the current Government was vindictive and agenda driven. We also knew they would use whatever tools they had to squash any opposition. Gibson Guitars=EPA, Tea Party=IRS, unflattering stories= DOJ etc..

The latest scandal is just another notch on their belt. But and this can’t be said loud enough, I REALLY DON’T CARE that the NSA is snooping. I do care about hypocrisy and double standards. I care about the “Its okay when our guy does it” philosophy. I care about the media covering for one party and using the same policy to destroy another. That is a real problem to me.

This is the reason I hate, seriously HATE the SCFOAMF in the white house and all of his supporting staff. They rode the “We are patriots and want Government out of our lives” tidal wave to success in 08 and have since put the patriot act on steroids and started spying on US rather than enemy.

You want my respect? Your character is the deciding factor. Obama has no character, no integrity, no morals and absolutely no class.

Just So Everyone Knows….

Just So Everyone Knows….

Since our online activities, cell phones and basically everything we do is now and has been monitored, I feel it necessary to say a few words…

First: I have never nor do I plan on ever having suicidal thoughts. To me, taking your own life is an unforgivable sin. I would NEVER do it. No matter what you may hear if I pass suddenly. I DIDN’T DO IT!

Second: All of my firearms were lost in a freak fishing accident. We were out hunting/fishing in Alaska and our boat capsized. I lost everything. Ammo, Guns, Bows/Arrows, steak knives and basically anything sharp or dangerous.

May God bless these United States because right now, GOD is about the only hope we have of returning our nation to greatness and freedom.

That is all.