Tag: News bias is responsible for division

Media Responsibility.

Media Responsibility.

This will be one of those special rants…So Listen up.

When George Bush was in office, from 2000 to 2008, we had an endless supply of dissenting news casts by ABC, CBS, NBC, CNN, MSNBC, and a few others. We had one channel that we could count on to deliver some supporting opinions as well as a few negatives, arguably a MORE balanced news channel during this time was Fox.  YES, they actually did report some NEGATIVE news on GWB, and they did it openly and on several occasions. I never once heard any news reporter or commentator speak of GWB the way the Alphabet Networks do about Obama.

The reason this is important, and it is a fact that there is a HUGE amount of bias in today’s media, The media is supposed to INFORM, they are supposed to be digging for the TRUTH, they are supposed to be QUESTIONING power and they are supposed to be HONEST.

What I am getting at here is the reason our nation is so divided.

Right now, if you have questions about what Obama and his administration is REALLY up to, you go to FOX news. FOX is actually investigating GOVERNMENT as it should. FOX lost some credibility with me during the 2004-2006 years, when all they seemed to do is carry water for GWB, but later  in 2006, they actually started investigating GWB as they should, and from that point forward they have been fairly decent in their reporting. I know Obama supporters will not agree with that, but I’m sure they believed all the reporting from the alphabet networks were accurate and balanced…Sigh.

Point being; MEDIA is supposed to be our watchdogs. They are supposed to investigate and report. WHEN they quit investigating, and only report in order to keep up with other networks investigations, they do us all a disservice. What we have now is; The MSM is engaged in Obama cheer-leading, and with the NUMBERS of news outlets involved in the cheer-leading vs the ONE that isn’t, we are having a large portion of the voters BRAINWASHED.

People in the inner cities that only watch MSNBC for example, are apt to believe that all tea party’s are KKK members without the hoods. They will believe Arizona’s law requires officers to pull over anyone that has a tan and ask them for papers. They will believe that all churches have removed the Crucifixion symbols and replaced them with Pictures of Obama. These are voters that gave us Obama in the first place.

Don’t get me wrong, I’m not saying we need to shut down MSNBC or any other Alphabet network, I’m saying we need to pressure them to do their damn job. They have a lot of resources, they have the ability to sway opinions of the weak minded (Democrats) and as it sits, they are controlling the message the WH wants out.  This is why we have so much division, it’s not just the messenger (Obama) it’s his spinner division, the alphabet Networks.

We must get the CBS’s of the nation to do their job and actually investigate, report and let the viewers decide the next action. I’m not talking about Glenn Beck,  O’riley,  Chris Tingles or Olberman, they are all COMMENTATORS. IF you have a certain ideological belief, watch those programs, if you want to know how, what , when, and why’s you should have more channels to pick from. We do not have that right now. I can turn on ANY Alphabet network NEWS hour and see exactly how great Obama is doing, and how everything Obama has ever done is perfect…On the other hand I can turn on to FOX and see at least 3 stories of negative stories regarding an Obama action that was never reported on the other channels. WHO does this help? NOBODY!

In Venezuela, the first thing Hugo Chavez did when he got into power was shut down Media stations that investigated his actions. They now have ONE or TWO left that are continuously under siege by Government. Obama didn’t have to use threats or pressure or outright POWER to silence dissenting opinion, he had MOST of America’s media in the tank from the start. All he has to do is keep them there with favors, interviews and perks…

This is a sad state of affairs in our country and I hope the MSM will awaken soon.