Tag: Lying Imam

The Ground Zero Mosque..Distraction?

The Ground Zero Mosque..Distraction?

There’s been a lot of discussion across the globe over the proposed Mosque near Ground Zero of the 9-11-2001 attacks. My feeling on it are extremely well known, and can best be summed up in three words. “Kill em ALL.”

You say that’s a bit harsh…Yep. if it makes you feel better, you can keep six of them.

The Islamic faith has approx 1.2 BIILION followers, roughly 7 to 9% are extremely radical. Any religion that can produce that number of RADICALS is a very bad religion. Christians, Jews, Budhists, Mormons, Catholics combined can’t produce that many radicals. What does that tell you? And until the 91 to 93% of NON-RADICALS decide to squash the Radicals, MUSLIMS as a whole will continue to be demonized.

Deal with it.

That being said, is this a distraction? As of right now most of the discussion revolves around the lack of compassion the islamic faith is showing by pushing for this mosque. But what are we missing? Remember the “Never let a crisis go to waste”… What has happened during this debate?…More lies, an appointment that should have been done through congress..Oh and Iran is now a NUCLEAR Nation…

The GOP, and ANY candidate that has not yet weighed in on this should be scrutinized. The MOSQUE issue is one that requires very little in the way of PCness.

Correct statement that should be made by ANYONE that wishes to get elected in this nation:

“In this nation we have the right to worship as we see fit. We should be able to build a place to worship in any area that complies with local laws. That being said we also have the right to oppose any house of worship that deliberately inflames the population in which it is to be built. We as a free society have the right to demand our elected officials do everything under the law to investigate the reasons for, and deny the permits for any house of worship in a potential location, IF it is deemed to incite the overwhelming majority of the residences . This particular issue is in extremely poor taste, it is dead wrong. Building this mosque near ground zero is akin to building a National Socialist Headquarters next to Auchwitz.

I stand firmly with the Fathers, Mothers, Widows and Children of the victims of the 9-11 attacks”

Now lets get on with the business of taking back our nation so this issue NEVER comes up again. How do we do it? We do it by removing any politician that does not make a statement such as the one above and not electing anyone that would not make that statement.

Attention AMERICANS… The phone is ringing, it’s freedom calling and it want’s to know if you still want it here….