Tag: Liberals

Note to the GOP: Remove your head from your…

Note to the GOP: Remove your head from your…

Okay here’s where we are:

A lame duck congress full of OUTGOING liberals/Democrats Are pushing amnesty cloaked in the “Dream Act”

The GOP’s leaders have decided to “Compromise” with the POTUS and give us a trillion dollars more debt in exchange for not taxing anyone anymore than they are being taxed right now.

These are the big two issues on the table right now and the GOP has a strong hand in each. America has sent the GOP a message and given them a second chance. As of right now they are on the verge of making sure they never occupy a power position in either house for a long time.

IF the Dream act passes the Democrats will feel it in 2012 by another drubbing. IF any Republicans sign on to it, they will be challenged heavily on it and the push to have them removed will make 2010 look like just another election. This “Addition” to the deficit doesn’t bother the Democrats, this amnesty is just a shot across the bow and the American people see it.

The next on the table is this so-called compromise on the Bush tax cuts. The GOP made a HUGE error by signing on to this crap. But that’s done. NOW they need to find away to back away from this travesty. Fortunately the Democrats are as inept. They are adding to that compromise which nullifies the agreement if the GOP got their heads out of their asses. The deal was on the table, any adjustments to it nullify it in the court of law as well as the court of public opinion.

The GOP must back away from this agreement with the POTUS. It’s not good for the nation nor is it good for your party. The vote needs to be simple, extend the Bush tax rates for 1 or 2 years or permanent. PERIOD no sweeteners, nothing. You either vote to keep things the way they are RIGHT NOW, or you vote to let them expire. NOTHING ELSE. And let the chips fall where they may.

This is not rocket science nor is it “Complicated” it’s only complicated because you made it this way. Man up. Vote NO on anything that includes anything other than JUST the extension of current rates. PERIOD. Stop all the BULLSHIT!

Hypocrisy on the left… AGAIN!

Hypocrisy on the left… AGAIN!

Funny thing about the liberals, they don’t see the humor in this at all:

F*&K the President

The frustration with President Barack Obama over his tax cut compromise was palpable and even profane at Thursday’s House Democratic Caucus meeting.

One unidentified lawmaker went so far as to mutter “f— the president” while Rep. Shelley Berkley was defending the package the president negotiated with Republicans. Berkley confirmed the incident, although she declined to name the specific lawmaker.

“It wasn’t loud,” the Nevada Democrat said. “It was just expressing frustration from a very frustrated Member.”

When the senator from South Carolina CORRECTLY yelled “You lie” at the POTUS in the State of the Union address, the liberals went NUTS calling him everything from racist to anti-American. But saying “Fu*K the President is just frustration? Wha? :rotfl:

Man I tell you if this wasn’t real it would make for one hilarious sit-com. Our liberal elites that have convinced themselves that keeping the poor, poor is good for the nation, have also convinced themselves that keeping the tax rates the same during a major recession is a bad idea. They believe giving more money to poor and paying people not to work is a better idea than making the business environment more conducive to hiring those out of work…. BIZARRE.

In a liberals mind the more unemployed the more votes they will get in the next election. The more welfare money that is shoveled into the poor areas will result in more votes. I think that time has passed. I think the narrative has switched.

Think of it like this: The liberal argument that “Trickle down economics is a failure and it’s proven now” is the same argument about the liberal federal funding of their special projects “Giving people money to not work is a failure”

IF I was elected and sitting in the senate I would not vote for this tax cut “Compromise” Unless as I stated in the below post, it was gamesmanship. I would vote to not give Obama a damn thing. I would vote to let the tax cuts expire. I would vote to not do a damn thing until the next congress session. Then I would work for a solution and that would include retroactive tax breaks.

Truthfully I am enjoying to no end the liberpuke head explosions that are occurring across the nation.

Note to Sarah Palin, you are now free to take a vacation we have Obama now.

Obama Caves on Taxes?

Obama Caves on Taxes?

 This will be a very quick post.

I honestly believe there is some strategy playing out and if the GOP plays it right they can bury the progressive democrats for many years to come. But never fear, the GOP has been known to snatch defeat from the jaws of victory in the past.

The Republicans held firm on the “Don’t tax ANYONE” line. GOOD. They were unified and they presented Obama with a real problem. His class warfare strategy got called. Now I don’t like that the Republicans gave up so much, and I really hate that they allowed “Duh Won” to claim he is “Compromising” but listen for a second.

The democrats hate this, not the moderates but the far left progressives. The Nancy Pelosi’s the Waters and the Rangle’s… This may die in the house and senate. IF it does, then our taxes go up everyones taxes go up and as long as the REPUBLICANS STAY UNIFIED, the Democrats come out looking like the culprit. IF that happens, Obama will be forced to deal with a majority Republican house and a senate that’s split. The “Hostage takers” language is falling on deaf ears because everyone knows the republicans are NOT trying to tax the middle and lower classes, they want EVERYONE to be equal, isn’t that the utopia of the uber left?

Anyway, the only way this strategy fails is if:

1: The Democrats get on board with the new plan.

2. Too many R’s vote against it. Already a couple of them are saying NO. Which is bad.

IF this tax bill passes the way it is, and the jobs start coming back. The R’s stand to gain as much as Obama. IF the bill fails, and the R’s were unified in it’s defeat and the jobs stay stagnant Obama and the D’s take a bath in 2012.

Although this is just an opinion and I could be wrong. I think the gamesmanship is evident.

Keith Olberman FIRED?

Keith Olberman FIRED?

Okay this is the best week ever! Keith Olberman is one of those guys you’d just like to punch in the mouth to see him bleed. He’s like the little kid in elementary school that would go up and hit someone, then run to the teacher. I don’t feel sorry for this assclown at all. Matter of fact I hope he learns a lesson from this and grows up.

After the ass whooping the Obama-bots took on Tuesday, to end the week with Olberdouche being suspended is just too much GOOD stuff…. :rotfl:

Lets look at WHY Olberdouche was punished by the lefty’s media wing. It’s not because he donated to Democrats. It’s because HE GOT CAUGHT DONATING TO DEMOCRATS. The real issue is hypocrisy. Olberdouche gave proof that MSNBC was a liberal leaning network. 😯

MSNBC constantly bashes Fox News for their “Right leaning” programs. And I’m absolutely sure that Beck, O’Riley and a few others donate or support candidates. SO?

Olberdouche signed a contract that explained the rules..He broke the rules. It happens to all of us in our work. Oh well. I’ll take the fact he’s been punished as a good sign. But I doubt they fire him for the offense. IF he was to be fired, they would lose 15 viewers and that’s not helpful in this business environment.

So back to Fox News…

Yeah Sometimes I watch Fox news with the sound off… But FOX at the very least offers the opposing view a forum. Olberman, Madcow and the progressive socialists of MSNBC don’t generally allow INTELLIGENT Right leaning panel guests.

One Nation Rally had more people than…

One Nation Rally had more people than…

The Restoring honor rally? on 8/29?

Except the Restoring honor rally was held on 8/28.. Just another fail in a long line of fails…

Someone please tell the union thugs, progressive slugs, welfare mugs, and socialist/marxist/communist bugs that this is pathetic. Trying to compare the “Restoring Honor” rally with their PAID to PLAY Soros backed Union rally is really sad. And on top of sad it’s a lie.

So liberpukes, progressives and Demonrats, please stop trying to compare the two it makes you look foolish….You can’t compete, It’s like you clowns are a bunch of frisbee throwing frat boys trying to play football against an NFL team…It doesn’t work.

Oh and one more thing libertrash:
How about maybe, just maybe if it’s not too much to ask… Clean up your mess? I mean it’s you clowns that are pushing the Environmental, global warming hoax…Shouldn’t you try and at least act like you care?

When the Restoring honor rally ended the DC clean up crew had a minor task ahead of them. When the “Environmentalists” left the mall, the task was monumental.

WHY? I guess it’s because of the elite mentality. The “Do as I say not as I do” folks…

Get out the vote guys, if not these are the type of people that will be running our nation for the next four years:

Obama weighs attacking the Tea Party

Obama weighs attacking the Tea Party

Evidently what they have been doing up to now was complimenting the Tea Party with cries of RACIST, Extremist, Bigots, ect….

Obama Aides Weigh Bid to Tie the G.O.P. to the Tea Party

WASHINGTON — President Obama’s political advisers, looking for ways to help Democrats and alter the course of the midterm elections in the final weeks, are considering a range of ideas, including national advertisements, to cast the Republican Party as all but taken over by Tea Party extremists, people involved in the discussion said.

Good plan there nutjobs. We are extremists. We are about Constitutional rule, freedom and limited Government intervention. We believe you have the right to eat what you wish, keep and bear arms, worship as you choose or not at all. We believe YOU should choose the course in your life, We believe you have the right to speak out against whatever you feel is unfair, we believe your rights shall not be infringed…EXTREMIST BASTARDS WE ARE!

Here’s an extremist: The JUDGE gets it!

HT Gotta Get Drunk First

What the idiots on the left don’t understand is the entire tea party movement is based on FREEDOM! We want to keep it. PERIOD.

And as the left cries about the tea party, the tea party keeps building. Ask yourself WHY?

The reason is simple: Since Obama, Pelosi and Reid have taken over, taken over in large part by blaming the Bush administration for taking our rights. They have been chipping away at our rights more than Bush ever dreamed of. Look at the way the FLOTUS is trying to outlaw foods, the way Obama is targeting American Citizens for assassination, the lack of Miranda rights for American Citizens. Look at the way Obama campaigned on transparency, yet his first executive order was to seal ALL of his records.

Look at the Health Care issue, it was passed behind closed doors with bribes and arm twisting, and NOW, NO DEMOCRAT IS USING THAT AS A PLUS in their election. Obama is the extremist, he’s the Hugo Chavez of America. The fact is liberals, YOUR GUY blew it. Your guy had a chance, he’s shown the nation in 20 months what it took GWB to show us in 8 years. The direction he is steering this nation is WRONG, DEAD WRONG. IT is not AMERICA anymore it’s FRANCE LITE! And we don’t like it.

Please continue to paint us as extremists, it’s a boon for the the recruitment process. Even a brain dead liberal from Berkeley will see the irony in attacking hardworking Americans for being involved…Bring it on.

Liberal-Progressive astro turf…

Liberal-Progressive astro turf…

Remember Nancy Pelosi’s statement when the tea party started their march to retake our nation? What was it.. Astro Turf, Swastika’s?…

Uh No Nancy dear, you are wrong again. It’s your racist bigots that use the Nazi sign to smear opposition. Which is kind of strange…Hitler’s Nazi party is a mirror image of Todays American Progressives, and for some reason minorities keep voting for them…Weird.

This is Debbie Halvorson’s (D-llussional) “Astro Turf,” you will see a member of her staff lead the chants, then retreat back into headquarters.

This is the definition of astro-turf Nancy dear. You will see it again on the national mall when your union thugs and racists take to the grounds.