Tag: Liberals blaming free speech

Liberals again touting “Tea party” as Reason for shooting.

Liberals again touting “Tea party” as Reason for shooting.

I’m surfing around the net during the football game. I’m finding all kinds of reasoning for the shooting of the congresswoman, judge and the others (Including the 9 yr old kid that is getting NO MENTION) I gotta say this:

If anyone in their right mind believes Sarah Palin and Glenn Beck were responsible for this incident, they should be sent to a mental hospital post haste. The progressive crowd to include liberals and democrats have long been accustom to jumping to conclusions. They have been proven wrong at almost every turn. Yes there have been some right wing nuts and some left wing nuts.. It happens. But every one of these incidents brings out the liberals proclaiming “It’s the tea party, and the talk shows” then after a day or two the facts come out and then SILENCE by the liberpukes…. It will happen this time too.

The shooter was an anarchist, his favorite books were Mien Kampf and the communist manifesto. Ask yourself, which party does the American Communist party vote with? Nuff said. Also look at his favorite video, a flag burning. Again nuff said.

The fact is, it doesn’t matter to me who he was, unless he acted with a group. IF he’s a lone nutjob then lets prosecute him to the fullest extent of the law and be mindful of how this happened and prepare for it’s potential.

Do you find it odd that the “Progressives” in our nation are so quick to paint the entire tea party as violent thugs and the cause of this incident, but are the first ones to say “Muslims are the religion of peace and it’s only a few extremists causing the problems” I’d say their credibility is shot from that stand point alone.

I ask that we pray for the victims and keep their families in our thoughts.

As far as any liberpuke progressive that may wander in and comment that this was a right wing attacker, I’ll warn you now, your ass will get lit up like a Vegas resort if you decide to weigh in. I don’t take kindly to the lies and deception you liberpukes are famous for. I got facts and figures about lefty violence and they far outweigh any rightwing incident… IF you read the Daily Ko’s or Huffingpaint.com don’t bother opining here, I’ll just abuse you.