Tag: Hillary

After Election Random Thoughts

After Election Random Thoughts

Trump won. holy crap, TRUMP WON! I had bets he was going to lose big time. I fell for the media’s and others ploy and figured all was lost. TRUMP WON!!! whew.
So a few random thoughts I’ve had over the last week or so..

  1. I have only TWO expectations of Trump, anything above these will be icing on the cake: 1. Put conservatives/constitutionalists on the Supreme Court. 2. Support Israel. After 8 years of sitting back and criticizing every action Israel took to defend itself, what’s coming now will need a strong U.S backing.
  2. Hillary Clinton sure made a mess out of this election. A lot of revelations came up during this election and the more information that came out, the more people realize Obama was a major part of most of it. IF the Republicans don’t go after both of them they’re missing a golden opportunity.
  3. Trump has made a few cabinet selections, some I like, some I don’t but as I voted for Trump, I’ll try and be neutral on his help selection. But once he gets sworn in the clock starts and he’s on the hook for who he picked.
  4. A lot of liberals are pissed off and in the streets protesting fair democratic elections.. Right after the media warned that Trump supporters would be protesting in the streets if Hillary won.
  5. There’s now a recount in Wisconsin because Jill Stein say’s there may be some fraud and abuse of our election. Funny, she didn’t get more than a few votes but wants a recount? Odd. If I didn’t know better I’d think maybe Hillary was behind this except she criticized Trump for not saying he’d honor the results. Couldn’t be her..
  6. Fidel Castro died, that’s awesome. Well, for most people who know real monsters exist and have any history knowledge before liberal revisionists white washed the books. Trump/Rubio/Cruz and MILLIONS of Cuban American’s seem very happy about it, liberals like Pelosi/Obama/Jill Stein seem to have lost a friend.
  7. I have noticed a lot of “Never Trump’rs” are searching for validation for not voting for Trump. Every decision/statement/tweet of post Trump makes, brings out the “See, we told you he wasn’t a conservative”.. I never thought he was a conservative, most people didn’t. But we knew he would fight the fight that needed to be fought and not lay down like Romney and McCain.
  8. Obama said he’ll speak out against Trump if he thinks Trump is going against “American values” Note to Obama: YOUR American values aren’t AMERICANS VALUES, if they were, Hillary would be POTUS and you wouldn’t be the SCFOAMF and the worst President ever.

Obama is on the way out and personally I can’t wait. But there’s about 57 days before he’s gone and he can do a lot of damage. Pray we make it to the party.

Hillary Clinton Progress!

Hillary Clinton Progress!

Let me get this straight: A secretary of state was subpoena’d to turn over data, over 8 months ago? Now she turns over some files, will give testimony in front of congress for only one day. She’s only giving data that has been cleaned. But she’s one of us?

So to put this into perspective: If the IRS sends you a letter to appear for an audit. Try to tell them you’re receipts were lost when your hard drive crashed. Try to tell them that you have evidence of your receipts and you’ll need 8 months to get that data to them. Then give them the computer with a blank hard drive, no power supply and a hammer through the screen. Do you think you’re going to walk away from that without a major fine and/or jail time? The answer is HELL NO!

Here’s the other piece of “progress”: If Hillary were a black woman, there’d be zero investigation, no congressional demands and if you dared questioned her, you’d be labeled racist. IF this Hillary thing, drops even a breadcrumb of Obama’s name on it, it will be squashed in the media and in congress. Why? Black Privileged Lives Matter.

Bottom line is this: Hillary will not be the Democrat nominee, nor will Sanders. This dog and pony show is designed to make Biden look intelligent. And quite frankly compared to the current idiots on Democrat side, Biden looks like a genius now.

Hillary for Prison 2016!

Random Thoughts From Behind Enemy Lines

Random Thoughts From Behind Enemy Lines

We traded 5 major players in the war on terror for one possible “Traitor” “Deserter” Which makes perfect sense. Hillary will need a Secretary of state in 2017 so Berghdal is now odds on favorite for that position.

A man and woman, called NAZI’s and “White Supremacists” killed two cops and three civilians in Nevada yesterday. They ended their shooting spree in WalMart… How perfect is this for the anti-gun crowd?

1. The Nazi/White Supremacist angle. CHECK

2. The Couple were in attendance at Bundy Ranch. CHECK

3. They used the Gadsden Flag CHECK

4. They shouted “Revolution” CHECK

5. They took guns and ammo from Cops (Good guys with guns can’t stop bad guys) CHECK

6. They went to WalMart. (Protest target by democrats) CHECK

By my count, this was the definition of the democrat dream crime spree… Almost too perfect, almost like it was made for a political event… Not saying it was, just find the timing/execution and methods just so step by step…

Obama is dumping Illegal children all over AZ/Texas. This shocks who? not most of us. Texas is succeeding despite Obama’s economy, Obama sued AZ over border enforcement. This is what is known as “Manufacturing a crisis” so the solution fits “Democrat Agenda” no matter what it does to the people of the state or nation.

There’s a lot of news hitting hard out there these days. There’s a big reason for it. The election is coming up, Democrats are not looking good for holding their jobs but and this is huge: DON’T underestimate the ability of the RINO party to snatch defeat from the jaws of victory.

Let us pray very hard that the focus of Americans stays on the results of the last 8 years. 8 years the democrats have controlled 2/3 of congress. If the economy, Bengazi, IRS targeting, DOJ, AG, Gun Control, Jobs, Berghdal, Foreign Policy, VA Scandal, gas prices, unemployment, obamacare and the lies that have been found to be LIES beyond a shadow of a doubt aren’t enough to remove EVERY DEM in the senate there’s nothing else to be done. Its over.