Tag: Gun Rights are my deciding factor. Economy

Romney vs Obama: On The Issues…

Romney vs Obama: On The Issues…

Okay folks, here it is. As clear as I can lay it out.

Mitt Romney’s web site, “The Issues:”

Barack Obama: “The Issues:”

These were screen shots from both of their campaigns. What do you notice?

Education/Energy/National security-defense is represented by both. But what’s missing? GUN RIGHTS and CONSTITUTIONAL view is missing on Obama’s talking points. Instead he focuses on “Civil Rights” which is encompassed on Romney’s site in several areas. Romney breaks it down to its lowest common area which is a GREAT way to do it. Obama lumps it all in one. This is NOT leadership this is a cookie cutter philosophy that has been tried in Europe and elsewhere with a big FAIL after it…

I’d like to focus on one aspect of the difference between these two candidates. And those of you who know me, know exactly what area that is: GUN RIGHTS!

Romney’s gun right views are not as strong as I’d like but they are a damn sight better than McCain or Obama for that matter.

Mitt Romney on Gun Rights

A few quotes from his campaign:

“Mitt strongly supports the right of all law-abiding Americans to exercise their constitutionally protected right to own firearms and to use them for lawful purposes, including hunting, recreational shooting, self-defense, and the protection of family and property.”

“As president, Mitt will work to expand and enhance access and opportunities for Americans to hunt, shoot, and protect their families, homes and property, and he will fight the battle on all fronts to protect and promote the Second Amendment.”

Read the rest here

Now if that’s his view on Gun Rights and we contrast that with Obama’s views and ACTIONS. How is Obama even close to being re-elected?

There are over 80 million legal  gun owners in our nation. IF you LEGALLY own a gun, your pick is very clear. If it isn’t you are the problem in this country. You have allowed your elected officials to confiscate your rights and you have nobody to blame but yourself.