Tag: Great Article on WAR

A Strategy Change is Needed.

A Strategy Change is Needed.

Best Article I’ve read in quite awhile.

A Strategy Change Needed From ‘Placate And Capitulate’ To ‘Force And Fear’

It is wise to keep this in mind as we peruse the deluge of reporting and Monday morning quarterbacking of the unfolding events following the demise of Osama Bin Laden.

The only truly wise thing I have heard from the typical news agencies and prognosticators in the past two weeks has come from an unlikely source. During Mike Huckabee’s show Sunday night, Ted Nugent was asked if he thought the removal of Osama Bin Laden from the roles of the living would have a significant affect on the war/unwar. His answer was definitive and without hesitation; No. Score one for common sense and understanding!

Now that’s the start of the article and it’s well worth the read. His final solutions for us against the “Islamic radicals” makes more sense than any I’ve heard in over 10 years.

People invariably ask what I would do then given my disgust for the current condition. Typically I haven’t answered the question because the answer is painfully obvious. But for those who can’t make the logical leap; here goes:

Take the two greatest weapons we have, out of the vault and place them back in the hands of the greatest military force this world has ever witnessed; Fear and Force!

Tell the “innocent” Afghan, the demonically inspired Taliban, the deranged Al Qaida operative, the corrupt government official, the Imam, the Cleric, the Tribal Elder, the “moderate” Muslim, the “Extremist”, the True Soldier of Allah, the coward, the patriot, the militant and any other name you have a fancy to call them and tell them we are there because we are through being their “mission field”. We are there to hold Al Qaida and all those who give them aid and comfort, accountable – we are going to find them and kill them regardless of where they hide. All those who choose to help may be spared; all those who choose another path, will leave children and women mourning over their carcasses.

This is war. It isn’t a war we started, and it sure isn’t something we can negotiate away. This is a holy war because the enemy has told us so. Just because our delicate western sensibilities can’t allow some within our ranks to wrap their heads around it doesn’t change that fact. So we can meet the enemy on a battle field of our choosing or we can wait for him to outlast us while we continue to fumble around trying to make nice with the devil.

One thing for sure, he is patient.

HELL YES SIR! We’ve been saying that for 10 years. We’ve been ready to do just that. However; in our increasing sensibilities we think killing millions over years and years is better than killing millions at one time and being done with it. You bloody their nose and they keep coming, you break their nose, they keep coming, you shoot them in the face they don’t come anymore. Simple stuff.

Here’s the really sad part. There’s only ONE person even mentioned in passing running for POTUS in 2012 that understands this “Strategy change” that is needed. His name is Allen West. And if he’s not on the ballot in 2012 It’s a lost cause.