Tag: GOP

The Circus is a Rerun.

The Circus is a Rerun.

And we’re off.

Donald Trump is leading the polls. Enter the GOP establishment to insert their power through a debate moderator. Megan Kelly, normally a great voice for the right thinking Americans in this nation, also a fairly straight forward no-nonsense news/opinion host. She inserted herself in the debate. She made the story about her and Trump rather than substance of ideals, policy differences and records of leadership. Instead, Mrs Kelly asked questions of Trump that were at best MSNBC like, at worst a tabloid reporter. Mrs Kelly did as she was told at best, at worst help craft that line of questioning for ratings.

The fact that she went to this level to trip Trump up, shows you how fearful the GOP/RNC/Elite media are that someone other than Jeb or Christie might actually have a shot.

Now for Trump: Trump didn’t handle the attack well. Sometimes a nod and a smile work better than a confrontation. This was a good time for Trump to say something about not having Carly on the stage could be labeled as a sexist action. Maybe just a “Well, there’s been some evolving” type comment. But you can’t attack Mrs Kelly and gain supporters you can only lose them.

With that being said, the field didn’t move much for me either way. Carson and Carly both moved up a bit, Christie/Bush were already at bottom stayed there. Paul kept his spot Cruz and Trump stayed top rung. Walker actually left me weakened. Huckabee did well but just too statist for me.

It’s going to be a long year folks, don’t punch out too soon.

I predict Trump will start losing ground to Cruz shortly. And the only way Trump runs 3rd party is if the nominee is no better than Clinton. In which case, the Republicans are going to lose anyway and I won’t have a problem voting for Trump in that instance.

Net Neutrality Coming

Net Neutrality Coming

So after all the celebrations for the take over in congress for the GOP we are getting Amnesty, another Trillion in Debt and NET NEUTRALITY…

So please, tell me again what the country got for us conservatives holding our nose and voting for the Republican… You die hard RINO’s who want to be so compromising and compassionate so the liberals will like us.. How’s that working out?

As I type this out, I realize that after the vote goes down and the internet is turned over to the US government all of my posts and many of yours can be yanked offline based on the regulations. I haven’t registered this blog with any federal agency nor will I, if it gets yanked it gets yanked.

Net Neutrality is a nice name, like “Affordable Care” or any other federal bill/law/regulation the name is wonderful, the content is what screws the people.

Freedom and Liberty are disappearing at a rapid pace these days and our last hope to stop the slide was to elect the Republicans… So now what? The GOP is no longer Democrat light, its full Democrat in disguise.

The blame for Amnesty, budget deficits and Net Neutrality are all on the GOP now. Obama won’t get an ounce of blame for its resulting disaster… Just wait.

Good bye Freedom, Good bye Liberty, Good bye America.

We Must have this Fight! GOP vs WE the People

We Must have this Fight! GOP vs WE the People

We have an obligation to our kids, to our parents and to the founding fathers who created this nation. We must have this fight because too many in the GOP have decided that being politically correct and “Compromising” with far left Democrats is the only way Republicans will gain power.

John McCain, Lyndsey Graham, Marco Rubio, and several others are being hailed as groundbreakers for their backstabbing of We the People. The media and the democrat party are all a flutter with the potential that Republicans will follow these traitors. I submit that will not be the case.

Rand Paul, Ted Cruz, Mike Lee and several others are standing firm and WE the PEOPLE must stand with them. The surest way to get the GOP’s attention is to show them a true RED LINE. The red line for me is AMNESTY.

All these RINO’s who are FOR Amnesty think that they can get on TV and say things against ObamaCare and we’ll forget the Amnesty. Its not going to happen.

The GOP needs to realize that if Amnesty passes and is signed by Obama, the house/senate will be FULL DEMOCRAT MAJORITY in 2014, and Hillary or Biden will be POTUS in 2016. We the People will stay home again and the few pick ups they get will not be enough to sway the vote.

There is a way that the GOP can win the day and save America. This is the road map. DEFUND Obamacare and KILL the Amnesty bill. They do that and in 2014 conservatives will turn out in droves. McCain/Graham/Rubio are on their own. I will support any primary challengers to those three.

GOP has a decision to make. It’s a matter of life and death. I hope they choose wisely.

RINO’s Did it Again…

RINO’s Did it Again…

Okay it’s official: The Republican party was on life support, it has been since November. Today, the GOP pulled the plug on itself. RIP.

As of right now. There are only Democrats running this nation. The FEW “Conservative” senators/House Reps will still have my utmost respect. But they have lost the battle and the war. The war to save America from itself is lost. IF the 2nd amendement wasn’t the tie that bound even the most moderate “Republicans” then it truly is over.

We know that they sold us out. What we didn’t know was at what cost. Now we know. It was one dinner with the king and a Yacht trip with booze on Joe Manchin’s (D-WV) yacht. So they aren’t low price whores, they’re high priced hookers.

My pledge and I hope to have MANY REPUBLICANS FOLLOW THIS LEAD is, I will support every challenger of all 16 Republicans in the primaries, who voted to stab us in the back today. IF the traitors win anyway, I will urge ALL REPUBS IN THEIR DISTRICT TO STAY HOME ON GENERAL ELECTION DAY!


You may say: Well, you’ll just ensure that the democrats get a majority. To that I say, they have it now. It doesn’t matter the letter after the name it’s the actions they take. It’s time to give it up and arm up. Wait until SHTF and then maybe we can get our nation back. If not, it’s going to get real rough.

Your choice. Make them pay for their actions, or let the nation die slowly. ME, I like to pull the bandaid off fast.

You may also say, why are you not as upset with the democrats? Well, I EXPECT them to try and destroy our nation. They do it right in front of you. Republicans now are cowards they talk about conservatism during election time then pull this shit. Traitors are worse than the enemy.

Note to the GOP

Note to the GOP

Hang in there. Do not give in. Do not believe the B.S from those with an agenda. We the People NO NOT want “Compromise”. We the People did not send you in force to the house in order to “Compromise” WE the People knew the risks, We the People have taken that risk. We the People expect the government to live within it’s means. We the People EXPECT YOU TO STAND FOR WHAT IS RIGHT. IF that means we default. SO BE IT. Let Obama make a decision on who to pay. LET OBAMA PAY HIS CRONIES. LET OBAMA be OBAMA. It will undo his presidency and it will put us on the fast track to recovery.


CAVE on this important discussion and WE THE PEOPLE WILL REMOVE YOU.