Tag: George Zimmerman is innocent

Zimmerman is INNOCENT…

Zimmerman is INNOCENT…

So the case of the century, the trial of our time has concluded. (Seriously this is what some say) This was a circus that should have never been brought before a judge, but it was and the outcome is PERFECT.

So here we go with the protests and cry’s of “RACISM” from hoodrats and useful idiots in colleges across the nation.

What we have here is the Al Sadr of America Al Sharpton. He has convinced the minions that we still live in the 60’s. If there’s anyway a racial spin can be put on an issue, it’s RACIST. Just like Al Sadr of Iraq, if it can be spun in his favor, MINIONS RIOT…

The outcry of “Justice” for Trayvon from hoodrats in LA/Oak/NY isn’t so much about Trayvon being killed. Its not even about the verdict in this case. It’s about FUTURE actions. They want to make sure anyone who sees a black man commit a crime or act “Suspicious” that GOOD PEOPLE like George Zimmerman hesitate. They want good folks to not call the cops, to not pursue or confront criminals who are black. They want an easy target. This trial didn’t give them that “freedom” so PROTEST and RIOT so everyone sees the pain it causes to stop a criminal if he’s black from his work…

This entire episode was an exercise in our nations well being and we failed. We failed because of media’s desire to stoke passions regardless of truth. We failed because our leaders speak before they know facts. We failed because the left has made honor, dignity and rule of law BAD WORDS and thug culture okay.

Zimmerman could have turned his truck around and not called the cops. He could have never cared for his neighborhood. He could have not tried to pin point Trayvon’s location for the operator. YES he could have turned away and that’s what the left wants. The stand your ground law is BAD in their eyes. But Trayvon could have called the cops about being followed. He could have banged on a door and asked for help if he was scared. He could have NOT JUMPED Zimmerman. Lots of “COULD HAVE’S” but neither did. The final decision was on TRAYVON, he chose to attack physically and he was put down for it.

Here’s some more TRUTH for you. It wouldn’t have mattered WHAT THE OUTCOME WAS IN THIS TRIAL. If Zimmerman was found guilty the same damage and mayhem would have happened in places like Oakland and LA. Why? Because the protest is OWS. The very same people are pushing the blacks to hit the street. The Oakland protest is an example of what OWS is. The name would have changed, instead of RIOT it would be a CELEBRATION same damage same violence…



Zimmerman Trial

Zimmerman Trial

Been a bit busy again lately. It’s tough being the minority and working for a living. But I’ve been watching the circus.. I mean, trial of George Zimmerman.

What I’ve seen so far is pretty much universal among FREE THINKING people. If you are a racist liberal progressive who is overcome with white guilt you may disagree with my synopsis.

The prosecution has been laying out its case for 2nd degree murder. But it seems that they’ve only made Zimmerman’s case for self defense stronger.


First we had the “jabba the hut” witness, who supposedly wrote a letter that she couldn’t read. She also injected the fact that the only racist words uttered that night came from Trayvon Martin.


Then we had the detective who said he believes Zimmerman’s story. Ouch, that’s gotta hurt.


What we have here is a trial because the black racists like Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson. As well as the media who is absolutely overcome with white guilt have to have someone to blame OTHER THAN the poor saint Trayvon.

In my opinion, the only thing left for the defense to do is to rest its case. The prosecutors actually made the best case for the defense.

Free George Zimmerman and then Zimmerman should sue Al and Jesse for defamation of character plus damages.