Tag: Fans

Why do I do it?

Why do I do it?


My answer: I have opinions, I have facts that back up those opinions, I live in a reality based sphere. I don’t have a large following, but I have seen my opinions recited in some very LARGE readership areas. I do it because someone HAS TO.

My question is WHY DON’T YOU?

If you have an opinion on the state of our nation that differs from mine, go to blogger open up a blog and fire away. You are even welcome to dispute MY opinions here. But DO NOT EVER tell me I should just let the professionals do it. “The professionals” are the reason WE GOT OBAMA. How’s that workin out?

Blogging is free if you want to do it, there are 3 free services that allow you “Opine” on anything you want. Blogger, WordPress.com and Typepad. And I’m sure there are more out there. I and others have chose to PAY for our server so that we have ZERO restrictions on us. We have total control over what we post and how we post it. It’s not for the “computer illiterate” but even a html rookie can by successful.

My other answer for the question is much more simple. Without this medium the stupid shit going on in our nation may cause me to run amuk out in the streets and solve the problems myself… So if you’re smart, you will include American and Proud on your list of favorites, for the safety of others of course….