Tag: Democrats

Obama signs Debt Deal into Law, In PRIVATE.

Obama signs Debt Deal into Law, In PRIVATE.

So let’s see if I get this straight. Obamacare, stimulus, DADT, bills signed amid throngs of reporters after ALMOST UNANIMOUS Opposition party’s votes. ZERO Bi-PARTISANSHIP… But when it’s a “Compromise” where the votes came from both party’s to pass it’s signed in secret… Shame is evident.

Obama signs debt bill into law

Treasury won an immediate reprieve of $400 billion in new borrowing authority Tuesday, as the Senate gave final approval to a hotly contested debt and deficit-reduction agreement hammered out with the White House Sunday night.

The bipartisan 74-26 roll call followed a 269-161 vote in the House Monday evening and the bill was quickly signed by President Barack Obama, ending an unprecedented, hard-edged political struggle that pushed the nation to the brink of default.

Funny how that works huh? So what have we learned children? We have learned that when Obama is backed into the corner by the AMERICAN people he will cave. When he doesn’t get his way he will pout, when he gets his way even when the American people are against it, he rubs their nose in it. Okay that’s cool, just wait till we can hang Obama’s picture next to Jimmy Carters as the WORST TWO PRESIDENTS in the history of our nation.


Obama-care, the gift that keeps giving

Obama-care, the gift that keeps giving

Not only did the DEMOCRAT congressional MAJORITY give us Stimulus, and Obamacare it’s continuing to give us high unemployment and low GDP growth. Obamacare is continuing to give…

Boston Scientific to lay off 1,200-plus

Boston Scientific Corp. said yesterday that it plans to eliminate 1,200 to 1,400 jobs worldwide during the next 2 1/2 years to free money for new investments, the Natick medical device maker’s second major round of cuts since last year.

The company would not say how many jobs will be lost in Massachusetts, where fewer than 2,000 of its 25,000 employees are based. In February 2010, Boston Scientific said it would pare 1,300 jobs worldwide, but similarly did not say where.

Want to guess which industry this company is in? Yep boys and girls it’s the health care industry… The very same industry that Nancy Pelosi claimed would create 800k jobs the minute the bill was passed. The only it created was a few jobs for secretary’s to write WAIVERS for Obama’s friends.

I’ll say it again Obama and the Democrats are winning because nobody is talking about these things. GDP growth, layoffs, unemployment likely to rise in the next the month. Oh and don’t even think about that little SCANDAL in Mexico and elsewhere called Gunwalker and/or fast and furious…

Wake up America you’re being played like a fiddle and its planned from those morons in DC.


Bubba Tells it LIKE IT IS!

Bubba Tells it LIKE IT IS!

Bubba gives a great 2nd Amendment Speech and lets the ignorant media hold both barrels.

Huge tip of the stetson to “The Daily Gator

Now tell me this man doesn’t lay it on the line. This 2nd Amendment speech is one for the ages. He’s done us a great service by posting this and if you can argue ANYTHING he said, you must realize YOU are the problem with this nation. And as such are my enemy, you are my hated adversary and you will be afforded NO RESPECT, NO CIVILITY, NO CORDIALITY.

This video found at daily gator was linked to “What Bubba Knows” I’m not sure if it’s the same Bubba. (I’m thinking it’s gotta be) but give the guy a read. He nails this whole debt limit debate with a perfect analogy. I’ll be adding his site to the “Best of the web” page soon.


Predicting Obama’s Speech.. Tea Party’s Fault…

Predicting Obama’s Speech.. Tea Party’s Fault…

Let me go ahead and predict the content of his teleprompter led speech:
There will be roughly 23 “I’s” in it.
There will be 10 to 15 references to the “Extremists” with in the party’s… Which is Democrat speak for TEA PARTY.
There will be 10 to 15 “Compromise” in it. Which is code word for “Republicans won’t do what I want”.
There will be 5 to 10 references to “Economic disaster” if debt deal not reached.
There will be 5 to 7 references to “Inherited problems” code word for all of this is Bush’s fault.
There will be 5 to 10 statements about children, the poor, minorities and seniors paying the bills
There will be 7 to 10 references about the rich, the corporate wealthy, oil companies etc.

I won’t be watching this repeat of every crisis hyped BS from the hypocrite in chief. But I guess I’ll see how close I was to accurate tomorrow morning.

To those of you who count yourselves as Tea Party patriots. You are enemy number 1 now. You are the problem. You are aligned with the shooter in Norway. I am VERY PROUD to count myself as an AMERICAN TEA PARTY SUPPORTER. (Not a member of any group since my local chapter is a real tea party more than an activist group) But I fully support the values of the tea party. WE HAVE DONE GREAT WORK! Look at the conversation and how its changed from “Spend it all” to “CUT IT ALL.”

Jump on board folks the Tea Party train is picking up steam all over the nation. You don’t have to do anything other than support candidates who support the values of the tea party. Small/limited government, fiscal responsibility, free market solutions, National Security…

Note to the GOP

Note to the GOP

Hang in there. Do not give in. Do not believe the B.S from those with an agenda. We the People NO NOT want “Compromise”. We the People did not send you in force to the house in order to “Compromise” WE the People knew the risks, We the People have taken that risk. We the People expect the government to live within it’s means. We the People EXPECT YOU TO STAND FOR WHAT IS RIGHT. IF that means we default. SO BE IT. Let Obama make a decision on who to pay. LET OBAMA PAY HIS CRONIES. LET OBAMA be OBAMA. It will undo his presidency and it will put us on the fast track to recovery.


CAVE on this important discussion and WE THE PEOPLE WILL REMOVE YOU.

Speaker of the House Blinks…Again.

Speaker of the House Blinks…Again.

Well here we go, we started with 100 billion in cuts now we’re down to 40 billion. WTF? Did he not get the message? Well Boehner, you sir are writing your own resignation letter on your first test. All you had to do was hold the line. You set the line it shouldn’t have been that difficult.

A compromise is what Democrats want. It’s not what the people sent you there to do. You have the ability to set the bill on the doorstep of Obama. You choose to cave? I thought you had nuts. Oh well, time to give another crew a shot. Anyone on the RIGHT side of the aisle that votes for a BUDGET that doesn’t include at the very least 61 BILLION dollars in cuts must be removed. IF they are compromising they are putting their career in front of what’s best for the nation and that’s what we wanted CHANGED.

I would be okay if you “Compromised” from 100 to 61 Billion. I don’t like but I understand the politics. From 100 to 40? Now that’s a serious loss. Bye Bye.

Paul Ryan has it right. Cut it all, cut and reform. Yep the Senate can stop it. Let them. The house is where the purse strings are and YOU WERE ELECTED to stop the bleeding. Put it out, stand your ground and it comes to it, shut it down. We’ll live.


Obama: Everyone has to have a haircut?

Obama: Everyone has to have a haircut?

Does that mean “Duh Won” will be curtailing his golf outings and his vacations? Does it mean Mrs “Duh Won” Will be stopping all her traveling on tax payer money? Does it mean no more free flights for photo’s on Air 1? What exactly will you cutting oh great and powerful OZ?


You know I really do understand the Democrats position on this cut deal. They need to keep their voter pool full. If folks realized they could actually BE BETTER OFF and improve their way of life by WORKING, what would happen to the Democrats?

This entire thing is really pissing me off. Democrats COULD have passed a budget LAST year. But they knew they needed to make cuts to keep the public happy. What to do? Well, just wait and let the Republicans take the blame. In the old days that worked. Today? Well the Republicans would be seen as hero’s if they shut this runaway government down.

Shut it down if you can’t get 61 billion dollars in cuts. NO LESS. And to me it’s still short by about 2 TRILLION right now. If the Republicans compromise past the 61 billion we need a new crew in the House. PERIOD.

Deficit Explained by Jack Daniels…

Deficit Explained by Jack Daniels…

This pretty much explains the 100 billion dollar cuts that are “Too much” for some…

Now that you understand, go get you a bottle and drink it down because if we can’t cut that much we’re FUBAR!