Tag: Democrat rule

Jerry Brown to take Reigns of California today.

Jerry Brown to take Reigns of California today.

So the wonderful morons of the state I reside in saw fit to RE-ELECT this P.O.S.

Brown’s success could depend on his first 100 days

As Jerry Brown takes the oath of office Monday for his third term as California governor, he will begin a 100-day sprint that could determine the future success of his administration.

The first 100 days for a governor — often described as the honeymoon period — can set the tone for his entire tenure. It will be particularly true for Brown, who has been clear that he wants to leverage the political capital he has as a relatively new governor — he first served from 1975 to 1983 — into decisive action on the state’s fiscal crisis.

Brown’s predecessor, Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger, who came into office with a mandate for radical change, made some early missteps that haunted his administration. He agreed to a plan to paper over the deficit with borrowing to get through the first year. Critics say he squandered a huge opportunity to push sweeping budget remedies through the Legislature. When he was ready to take bolder action the following year, the mandate was gone and his proposals were rejected by voters.

Read the Rest Here

Jerry Brown came into office (Again) by proclaiming “Tough Times” are coming. My bet is the companies, the wealthy, the business owners and the hard working NON UNION people of California will have those tough times. His buddies in the Teachers, State and Nurses unions will be just fine..

Jerry Brown has “Carte-Blanche” just like Obama had for the last two years. There are very few CONSERVATIVE representatives in the state legislature to strike reason into the liberal mind that has destroyed this state. There is NO checks and balances in the law makers chambers.

My prediction for Jerry Browns first 100 days..

1. He’ll be raising taxes, he’ll be pushing through some very sweeping taxes that will be tied into the liberal mantra:

“Without these taxes our states children will die in the streets, the fires in the summer will consume Los Angeles, the crime rates will go up by 200% and our kids will lose their education”

This is the same thing we hear from the liberal/Progressives/Socialists in the state of California every year. And every year it gets worse. Businesses leave, unemployment goes UP and welfare slugs (Democrat voters) increase their numbers.

2. We will not hear anything about stopping the flood of parasites from south of the border, we will not hear of any cuts to services for the welfare is better than work crowd, and we certainly will not hear of any cuts to prison population by deportation or by actually USING the death penalty…

3. Jerry Brown is going to have a couple of years to turn this state into the North Korea of the west.

And I’m betting he succeeds.