Tag: Cops

Cleveland Ready to Explode…sigh

Cleveland Ready to Explode…sigh

White cop kills black suspects, therefor Cop is racist and black suspect was a saint.

So, as I (And I hope you) feel sorry for the family of the dead suspects. I also realize the dead suspects put in motion the conditions for their death. They weren’t working, they weren’t volunteering at soup kitchens or helping youth read, or anything like that. Here’s a little clue as to why they’re both dead now, from the story:

The chase and shooting began when Russell’s car backfired as he sped past Cleveland police headquarters. Police officers and bystanders thought someone inside had fired a gun. More than 100 Cleveland police officers in 62 marked and unmarked cars got involved in a pursuit that saw speeds reach 100 mph during the 22-mile-long chase.

Authorities never learned why Russell didn’t stop. He had a criminal record including convictions for receiving stolen property and robbery and had been involved in a previous police pursuit. Williams had convictions for drug-related charges and attempted abduction. Both were described as mentally ill, homeless and addicted to drugs. A crack pipe was found in the car.”(Bold font=Mine)


So let’s recap:

1. Ferguson: “We demand an indictment, to not even charge Darren Wilson with a crime is a crime and is not allowing the system to work” Grand jury finds Wilson and others account of events truthful and no charges brought. Riots ensue.

2. Baltimore: “We demand an indictment over Freddy Gray” Riots ensue before charges filed, calmed down after Mosby files charges that 90% of lawyers know will not stick.

3. Cleveland: Indictment/Charges filed over the shooting of 2 Black men by white cop, trial ensues verdict is not guilty, riots inevitable.

Basically what we have here is “We want an indictment, we want a charge, we want a trial, we want a conviction or we’re going to riot” in other words, either the cop/cops are found guilty in white cop/black subject cases or its not justice.

We don’t have a system for this type of demand. The only thing white cops can do now is hope if they have to use deadly force the subject is white. They can’t NOT see race. They must see race first and decide course of action. This is getting good cops killed. This is going to create MORE bad cops in the long run because GOOD MEN/Women won’t want the job.

Mark my words, there’s going to be crisis within the next 2 years. The crisis will be police staffing being stretched too thin to effectively “Serve and Protect” then the cry will be “Entry level standards are too high”

Good luck Cops of every paint job. Y’all are going to need it.

StompyFooters at it AGAIN

StompyFooters at it AGAIN

So some cops in Baltimore allegedly roughed up a subject who happened to be darkly pigmented. Enter the riot squad.


“Bad cops did it because he’s black and white cops are racist” seems to be the recurring theme. While after the riots the truth comes out and it generally is found out that the subject brought the treatment on himself.

Think about every incident in the last 10 years that caused outrage and riots how many of them were proven right after the facts came out? And by “right” I mean it was a racist cop acting like a racist thug and using his/her badge as cover for abusing poor black people…. Yeah thought so.


Fact is, there’s zero evidence or cases that have occurred in America of racist white cops killing black men in the street for nothing at all… NONE! In every case where a cop killed a person be they white/black/yellow/green or brown the subject either resisted/ran/assaulted or otherwise put others in danger. If you have evidence of the contrary please share it because I can’t find it.

The fact is, once you are contacted by a cop, you have a couple choices. Be a dick, Run, Fight, or be cordial/respectful and compliant. If the cop is an idiot, rude and disrespectful to you, you have options. You can get their badge number and take it to court/his boss’s/the city etc. You will still be alive.


You can be upset about getting a ticket, you can argue with the cop about it and still get the ticket (Plus others I’m sure) you can also respectfully disagree with him/her and get their badge number, ID and fight the ticket in court. You will not be injured.

If you place hands on the cop, if you point guns/tasers/whatever at cops, you are likely to be shot. If you resist arrest, you will be manhandled. If you are a dick, you will add to your issues. These are simple facts. And its not the cops job to coddle your sorry ass. If he/she pulls you over its 95% sure you did something to deserve it.

Knock off the victim mentality, treat cops like you would like to be treated if you were the cop. You’ll likely find that your encounter with one will not kill you.

War on Cops?

War on Cops?

Seems some folks have the opinion that cops are the bad guys. Uniforms/tactical/badges/no badges/ whatever. And to me there’s enough bad cops out there to elicit that opinion from some. I can not support anyone who seriously believes ALL COPS are bad. The Law Enforcement community has earned a lot of the bad rap they get I’ll grant you that. But and this is where I have to draw the line. There are plenty of the boys in blue who are not the bad guys.

I have many LEO’s in my life. From uncles, to cousins and I lost a cousin in the line of duty. LEO’s have been from my experiences in the past 20 plus years, terrific public servants. Prior to those 20 years though, I had some serious issues with them…

I want people to know a couple things.

1. I am NOT Anti-Police in any way shape or form.


3. I am ANTI-DUMBASS, Badge or no badge.

4. I alone will decide WHO I associate with. LEO or otherwise.

5. If I come upon an officer in need, odds are I’m helping them. Since when trouble arises, they are the first ones to show up for people who call.

6. A LEO is a human being. Therefor is faulty. Decisions made by one officer during contact doesn’t mean he’s an asshole. He could have just got done dealing with OTHER assholes and it may have rubbed off.

7. Respect for a LEO doesn’t mean you “Worship” or “Kneel in front of” them. It means you handle yourself with them as you would expect them to handle themselves. You try not to cuss first, you try to say sir, you try not to use terms like “Pig” “Screw” or “whatever”…. IF they pull you over, maybe there was a reason, if not you should win in court. The Cop on patrol is just a reporter, if he/she decides to ticket you it’s their call, it’s YOUR call to fight it in court.

8. LEO’s have families, friends and they deserve to go back home from a days work just like you. It was a career choice for them and they have a tough enough job without being hated for what SOME OTHER cop did to you.

I hope that this lays it out where I stand on the issue. IF you have any questions about it, feel free to ask. I may actually answer it.