Tag: Conservatives bailing on Republicans

New Congress Sworn in…

New Congress Sworn in…

The headline of the day is: “New Congress off to rocky start” Yep, an understatement.


The reason the new congress is off to a rocky start is because of what the last congress did before this one took over. Cromnibus, Amnesty, Tea party bashing etc…

Speaker Boehner kept the gavel, 25 Members STOOD TALL and voted for his ouster. The rest stood for the status quo. The “Rocky Start” is now an avalanche.


There was another opportunity for Republicans to send a message that they were done playing patty cake with far left zealots like Obama, Reid, Pelosi. But they didn’t. they instead decided that the best way to get America to start trusting them again was to continue the way they’ve been operating. sigh.


Next up, house/senate will push forward some things that conservatives want done like Keystone and Obamacare repeals… They will get veto’d and the “RINO’s” in both houses will say “Look guys, we tried.. see we’re conservative, we love you guys” All while telling Obama behind close doors that its okay he veto’d them lets find common ground.

The thing the GOP needs to understand (But they won’t) is they only have 2 years to do the right thing. in 2016 there are A LOT OF REPUBLICAN SEATS up for grabs as well as the White House. We conservatives are a jaded bunch right now, we don’t trust the democrats at all and the Republicans have lost what little trust we had in them before this congress was sworn in. In 2016 there’s going to be a HUGE PUSH for a 3rd party. It is going to dilute the Republican party in such a manner that the 2014 “Records” for seat switching are going to fall to another WAVE but it will be a democrat wave.


Barack Obama is poison for the Democrat party, but in 2016 the results of the majority congress will be the focus. IF Obamacare isn’t repealed, if Amnesty isn’t thwarted. If any of the feel good, stompyfooters tantrum throwing democrat party policies get enacted during these next 2 years, 2016 will be the worst year ever for the GOP.

Let the fun begin.