Tag: Compromise doesn’t work when dealing with Progressives

Schwarzenegger leaves Cali a mess…

Schwarzenegger leaves Cali a mess…

He was ushered in to the Governors chair as our savior, he took over for Gray Davis who was a miserable leader. Gray Davis was a tax and spend liberal with a fully liberal/Progressive controlled legislature. Californian’s thought Arnie would save us and rung their hands after the hand over of power.

Schwarzenegger leaves mixed legacy in California

SACRAMENTO, Calif. (AP) — Arnold Schwarzenegger
landed in the governor’s office after announcing his upstart bid on late night TV and railing against government spending during raucous campaign rallies — at one playing a spirited round of air guitar to the rock anthem “We’re Not Gonna Take It.”

Then the world’s best known action star, Schwarzenegger conveyed an image of invincibility, persuading Californians that anything was possible if only they had the right mindset.

“I know how to sell something,” he said then.

As he would come to learn, selling a political idea is one thing. Delivering on it is quite another.

In high Hollywood style, Schwarzenegger made bold commitments to cut through Sacramento’s dysfunctional political system and put the state on a path to prosperity. But his celebrity quickly ran aground on the shoals of bureaucracy, entrenched politics and something Schwarzenegger had never faced before — angry detractors who didn’t hesitate to attack him publicly.

After initially deriding nurses as “special interests” whose “butts” he was always kicking, he was brought down to earth by the nurses union, teachers and other public employee groups, which staged protests and helped derail his “year of reform” agenda during a special election in 2005.

His outsize personality wasn’t enough to see through many of his dreams and promises, especially once the recession hit in late 2007 and led to a steep decline in tax revenue.

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I was one of those that supported Arnie, he made great speeches, he spoke like a conservative and he had a plan. HOWEVER; We thought he could do this by himself evidently. He tried in vain to change things in this state, he fought for a lot of stuff early on that I agreed with, but he was roundly defeated in the legislature…. So Arnie tried to compromise, do you see where I’m going with this?

Arnold started the age old compromise tactics of give and take. He gave and gave and he got a few minor things that really didn’t help our states plight. But he did manage to COMPROMISE and make both sides of the aisle equally disappointed. And nothing got done to help the states issues.

So Arnie leaves the state at best No CHANGE, at worse- FAR WORSE than when he went in. His legacy is one of capitulation and inaction. He is not going to be known as the savior he will be the benchmark for Republican leadership in this state and it’s a very low bar. Arnie’s actions cost Meg Whitman her chance. The best political ad in the 2010 election here was one that showed all of Arnie’s speeches and Meg’s side by side, they were the same. Very powerful ad and it absolutely killed any chance of Meg being Governor.

As far as I’m concerned this state can fall off into the pacific or become part of Mexico, the state has been progressive to the point of abysmal failure already. In order to get this state to functioning democracy again, it will take a natural or man made disaster of galactic proportions.

Compromise is not good when you are dealing with the progressive mind.

So what has become of California under the leadership of Arnie and his COMPROMISING Demorats?…Let us look at the number one reason for California’s unemployment rate.

Everything revolves around unemployment. Jobs equal revenue, no jobs no revenue simple economics… Who will save this state? I’m not betting on Brown.