Tag: Businesses holding back

Tax vs Spend the Age Old Debate…

Tax vs Spend the Age Old Debate…

The debt ceiling is going to be raised. I have no doubt about that. I also do not expect for the current administration to actually do anything to stop our decline into third world status. It’s the age old debate: TAX vs SPEND.

I am on record several times and several places as saying taxing the rich will not increase revenue. But I’d like to take a few minutes to explain WHY. And I invite the liberal perspective if you can counter my reasoning without calling me a racist, a hate monger, a fear monger or say I want to kill old ladies, and eat babies… Just trying to keep this civil and since those are the names/excuses we hear all the time, it won’t fly here.

Here’s why taxing the rich doesn’t work. Are you ready? It’s tough to comprehend for some but I’ll try and explain it in very simple terms and slowly.

C A L I F O R N I A.


California, the 7th or 8th greatest economy in the world is broke. Look at our tax rates. Look at our employment rate. Look at our crime rate.

Taxing the rich keeps the rich from hiring, NOT taxing them and then THREATENING them also keeps the Rich business owners from hiring. The Rich got rich by being smarter than the rest of us working stiffs. Now listen to this part very carefully.

In 2006, the friendly business environment of America changed. Business owners recognized that a class war was being started in Washington DC. Most “Rich” folks have a lot of “Lawyers” at their disposal and they have a lot of people watching out for their money. After the crash in 08 all the fingers were pointing and politicians danced and pandered.. The Rich kept getting Richer.

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