Tag: Border wars

Mexico’s peaceful harworking folks working with Hezbollah…

Mexico’s peaceful harworking folks working with Hezbollah…

This is what folks like me have been saying since GWB was POTUS. He didn’t address the problem. So our really intelligent voters here in America decided to elect Obama… Yeah that was smart. But to be fair, the GOP offered up little choice…

Hezbollah working with Mexican cartels

(HT Hot Air)As if the threat of deadly drug cartels in Mexico wasn’t enough, some of them are joining forces with Middle East terror groups.

“Hezbollah are absolute masters at identifying existing smuggling infrastructures,” says former DEA Chief of Operations Mike Braun, adding that the group “is developing relations with those responsible for operating those smuggling operations and then forming close relations with them, so that they can move anything they have an interest into virtually anywhere in the world.” That comment comes from former DEA Chief of Operations Mike Braun. He goes on to tell me that the Middle East terror group is “rubbing shoulders” with drug cartels around the globe.

We’ve seen beheadings, car bombs, slaughtered innocents, murdered officials and we’ve found Islamic reading material in our deserts near the border…But move along folks, nothing to see here.

I got a question for those really smart elected officials in DC, NM and CA… When rockets start flying over from Mexico like they do from Gaza and Lebanon into Israel, will you surrender your land?

It’s only a matter of time, let me lay out the potential scenario:

In 2012, WE THE PEOPLE actually get a POTUS that believes America is the last best place on earth and fights to protect it. First by sealing our southern border TIGHT. With that avenue for Islamic fundies to get into America closed, they decide to “Organize” the downtrodden, in Mexico into anti-America fervor. What do you think comes after that? Munitions, suicide bombers, incursions, and the oh so fun rockets…..

Just sayin.