Tag: Boehner

New Congress Sworn in…

New Congress Sworn in…

The headline of the day is: “New Congress off to rocky start” Yep, an understatement.


The reason the new congress is off to a rocky start is because of what the last congress did before this one took over. Cromnibus, Amnesty, Tea party bashing etc…

Speaker Boehner kept the gavel, 25 Members STOOD TALL and voted for his ouster. The rest stood for the status quo. The “Rocky Start” is now an avalanche.


There was another opportunity for Republicans to send a message that they were done playing patty cake with far left zealots like Obama, Reid, Pelosi. But they didn’t. they instead decided that the best way to get America to start trusting them again was to continue the way they’ve been operating. sigh.


Next up, house/senate will push forward some things that conservatives want done like Keystone and Obamacare repeals… They will get veto’d and the “RINO’s” in both houses will say “Look guys, we tried.. see we’re conservative, we love you guys” All while telling Obama behind close doors that its okay he veto’d them lets find common ground.

The thing the GOP needs to understand (But they won’t) is they only have 2 years to do the right thing. in 2016 there are A LOT OF REPUBLICAN SEATS up for grabs as well as the White House. We conservatives are a jaded bunch right now, we don’t trust the democrats at all and the Republicans have lost what little trust we had in them before this congress was sworn in. In 2016 there’s going to be a HUGE PUSH for a 3rd party. It is going to dilute the Republican party in such a manner that the 2014 “Records” for seat switching are going to fall to another WAVE but it will be a democrat wave.


Barack Obama is poison for the Democrat party, but in 2016 the results of the majority congress will be the focus. IF Obamacare isn’t repealed, if Amnesty isn’t thwarted. If any of the feel good, stompyfooters tantrum throwing democrat party policies get enacted during these next 2 years, 2016 will be the worst year ever for the GOP.

Let the fun begin.

New Year Starts…

New Year Starts…

Well, the busy keeps on coming… I worked more the last 3 weeks of the year than I have in a long time. It was a lot easier when I was younger… sigh. (Okay, Pity party over)


Good news:  CAROLINA PANTHERS made the playoff’s by beating the hell out of the Atlanta Falcons, then proved it wasn’t a fluke by beating the hell out of the Arizona Cardinals in the Wild Card Playoff game. Go PANTHERS!!!

Bad News: Dallas won their Wild Card game against Donkey Kong Suh and the Lions. Jerry Jones and Roger Goodell obviously had some influence, maybe a hefty check was written to Ray Rice’s wife or Adrian Peterson’s son if the refs picked up a flag on a crucial drive for the lions… or not.. But damn.. Something was going on there.


In other news, Barack Obama came back from vacation and the stock market took a hit. Coincidence I’m sure.


Then a bunch of black folks invaded brunch and chanted they “can’t breathe” or “heads up our ass’s” to protest the shooting of thugs and strangling of idiots or something. Just once I hope to be in a dining establishment when these racist slugs come in to stompyfoot and throw their tantrum…. Hilarity will ensue, trust me “World Star”

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2015 should be an awesome year, Boehner is facing a challenge from good folks, Obama is setting up the stage for blaming white people for something else. I just can’t wait for the media fawning to go to the next level.



If all goes well, we’ll survive until Obama is out of office and adults take over. If it doesn’t well, it was a good run… Arm up, prepare for worst, hope for the best.

Misdirection, Deceit and Lies…

Misdirection, Deceit and Lies…

What we are seeing now is the best effort to hide the lack of leadership our nation is going through EVER. We have the media focused on the George Zimmerman witch hunt and subsequent stake burning, while the White House is on fire… The nation is suffering, the world is suffering but hey, some guy who would have liked to be cop rather than a bad guy shot a thug on a dark night after he was beaten.. OH MY GAWD!

As much as I enjoy a good circus, the Zimmerman trial ended for me yesterday. The defense is on solid footing within the facts, the prosecution on the other hand is emotion first. Emotions are strong motivators but rarely do they lead to good decisions. And that’s where we are now.

Emotions led to Obamacare, which in case you didn’t notice got delayed until after the 2014 elections. Is anyone asking questions? Nope. How about media ask these questions:

1. How can a President delay a law that was signed and SCOTUS approved with a stroke of the pen? Where in the Obamacare law does it state that a President has the right to enact it whenever its convenient? IF Obama can delay it and implement it at will, does that mean the next POTUS can retroactively delay it, stop it, kill it?

2. The Congressional Budget office COUNTED on the 4.8 BILLION dollars of revenue that implementation would generate through business penalties to make Obamacare “Deficit Neutral” without those dollars for another year, what is the outlook for the national debt?

Just off the top of my head….

Then there’s the Benghazi, IRS, DOJ, NSA scandals that have taken a back seat to Trayvon’s rotting corpse… Oh and don’t dare look at the gas prices up to 4.00 a gallon and the job market declining and the food/energy prices rising…  “But hey ya’ll I gotta go to Africa, cause George Bush did good things there…”

Political strategy?

Democrat thinking: IF the senate refused to pass Amnesty, Obama would have implemented Obamacare as it was LAW. But since Amnesty passed the senate, Obama and his democrat cronies aren’t sure what the house is going to do, they are counting on Boehner to kill the senate bill, then the dems will run against racist republicans the same old story that usually works. Right now, the dems don’t know if the house will pass Amnesty and if they do, coupled with OBAMACARE Train Wreck, they think they may lose the house and Senate…I disagree with that thinking.

If the house passes Amnesty, the house is full democrat in 2014. The senate is going to stay majority democrat anyway unless the RINO’s get Primaried. Most conservatives are fed up with RINO’s and Democrats. Enthusiasm is gone for Republicans in the senate.

Your thoughts on any of this?



Budget Deal Done! How do you feel?

Budget Deal Done! How do you feel?

After a couple days of huffing and puffing. After reading the entire budget that was agreed to. And after checking many “Alternative reality” sites (aka Liberals) I came to a conclusion. It may not set well with some folks, it may make sense to others but it is my opinion.

We on the right didn’t do too bad in the agreement. We didn’t win in a blowout, but we didn’t lose at all. In other words it was like baseball game played over 12 innings we lost our starting pitcher and our power hitter to injuries but we won the game.

The POTUS made the Speaker blink. Yep. The POTUS used our military as tools to save Planned Parenthood. Yep. And it worked. In a day gone by NO POTUS would have ever gone there. Our current POTUS did. Obama is not a Democrat, he’s a progressive and that’s the big difference in this entire thing. A democrat can be reasoned with, a progressive on the other hand is ANTI-AMERICAN from the start so sacrificing the military wouldn’t phase him.

Did the Republicans win? Absolutely they won. They proved some points, they made Obama tip his hand about how far he’s willing to go to protect a failed agenda and they got MORE cuts than ever before. And they are putting fourth a bill that will protect the military from any such Obamanism in the future. They also left the door open for the next battle which starts in about two weeks.

While I would have rather them take it all the way, I do understand the game. Its one of quarters not entirety all at once. We got more work to do, we have a LOT more work to do, but for an opening salvo in a clash, We’ll take the 38.5 billion and hope they can get the other 60+Billion before the next fiscal year.


Pelosi has pocketed double Boehner’s Lobby cash.

Pelosi has pocketed double Boehner’s Lobby cash.

Pelosi has pocketed nearly twice as much lobbyist cash as Boehner

If you read this weekend’s New York Times’ hit job on would-be Speaker John Boehner and his “lobbyist friends,” you might think, as the reporter clearly thinks, that John Boehner is cozier with lobbyists than most powerful politicians are.

But did you know:

* Nancy Pelosi has raised almost twice as much money from lobbyists this election as Boehner has?
* At least 18 House Democrats have raised more lobbyist cash this election than Boehner has.
* Chuck Schumer and Harry Reid have pocketed more lobbyist cash in the past 18 months than Boehner has raised in the past 6 elections, combined?

Here’s the heart of the article, with emphasis added:

While many lawmakers in each party have networks of donors, lobbyists and former aides who now represent corporate interests, Mr. Boehner’s ties seem especially deep.

Read the rest here: Pelosi vs Boehner

The “Democrat talking point” of the day is Boehner is too tight with lobbyists, Boehner is only looking out for special interests…Yada yada…Sigh, Yawn.

Here’s the fact: Pelosi and Reid have got more money from special interest groups than any other pair in congress EVER, the only difference is the media gives them a pass.

I want people to look at Pelosi’s congress, look at the ethics violations, the back room deals the bribery and outright LIES told to the American people over the last 4 years. 4 Years mind you, not 2.

Personally I’d rather have another speaker of the house besides John Boehner. I’d rather see Allen West take that gavel. But it is what it is. Boehner would be heads and tails better than the current hag in the house.