Tag: Amnesty

Democrats throwing Tantrums…

Democrats throwing Tantrums…

I hope you folks are understanding what is going on in America today. I see the current events in a different light than most I guess…

Ferguson, New York, Eric Garner, Mike Brown, Al Sharpton, Jesse Jackson, Torture report, Amnesty, Funding bills… etc.. All these issues AFTER November 4th election… Sound odd?


Not if you understand today’s democrats and their vindictive nature. If you have been paying attention to time lines and understand the hatred Democrats have for American values.

Ferguson, could have been handled well before Nov 4th. It wasn’t because Democrats knew that the outrage wouldn’t turn into votes for them, it would turn into HUGE numbers against them. Amnesty, same thing.

Ferguson is the temper tantrum for losses in Nov. Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson along with Obama and Holder pushed the reaction. The facts however have given America a winning hand agains the agitators. This has provided America with more ammunition in 2016 than we ever had before.

Move on to Amnesty, that is another one that will make a democrat POTUS in 2016 a severe long shot. (But if the GOP puts another RINO up the odds even up)

The latest in the temper tantrum is the Torture Report, Gun Grabber Extreme, Diane Feinstein, who by the way was INVESTIGATED/SNOOPED on by the CIA releases a report on enhanced interrogation. Why would democrats do it? Because they can’t be tied to it in any way.. Well, they are tied to it, but they’re denying it. (If you have read my blog for any time, you know I’m good with any torture performed on any islamic prick at any time)


But here’s the kicker on this torture report temper tantrum: Obama says “We need to be open and honest and apologize when we do bad things” Anyone notice that? So, if its not him involved, he’s quick to apologize. He’s been real quiet about Benghazi, Fast and Furious which involved DEAD AMERICANS, he’s silent about IRS abuse, he’s silent about breaking the laws he swore to uphold. But he’s okay apologizing for what another POTUS did after Americans were killed.


Basically what we have is a democrat temper tantrum, stompyfooters running around upset because they see their Obama led utopia collapsing because the results don’t match the rhetoric.

Its going to get real interesting the next 2 yrs. Arm up, prep up and be ready for anything. Nothing is out of bounds for these democrats.

Amnesty Postponed

Amnesty Postponed

So, Mr “Pen and Phone” has come out from the golf course and stated the obvious.


Dear Leader breaks promise to most loyal voters 

WASHINGTON (AP) — President Barack Obama said Saturday that the surge of immigrant children entering the U.S. illegally changed the politics surrounding the issue of immigration and led him to put off a pledge to use executive action that could shield millions of people from deportation.



Groups like LaRaza (the race) are upset that Obama broke a promise? After 6yrs of his lying to America, after 6yrs of his policy’s that have hurt Americans “The Race” is upset? Well, sorry to inform you worthless racists. Obama also promised to uphold the constitution and he’s broke that promise MANY TIMES! (And Yes I LINKED that racist groups web site, hoping some of those worthless cockroaches would like to say something to me)


But here’s something EVERYONE should understand. Mr Pen and Phone knows that Amnesty isn’t the best for America, its best for DEMOCRATS. That means, he postponed it, in the hopes that Americans will elect democrats so he can pass Amnesty with congress, or if that fails he can look “Heroic” by doing it with his pen and phone… This is backfiring already.


Here’s another how do you do… If you haven’t noticed, every disaster policy decision, law signed or executive order democrats have done, always occur after elections. And NEVER have they ran on the results of those policies/delays/changes in laws or executive orders. The results NEVER EVER have lived up to any of the hype leading up to the ideological policy changes. So you dumbass voters keep voting for these lying scumbag politicians like Obama and keep whining about your unemployment status.

Just think, the black community voted 95% for Barack Obama and now the black Unemployment rate is about 11.4% Amnesty will bring that down right? All you black folks who voted for Obama must believe that to still support this ignorant prick.


And NOPE I don’t feel sorry for you black obama voters at all, Just like saying I fuckin told you so.

Amnesty is Coming…

Amnesty is Coming…

If you haven’t been paying attention, then you’re really reading the wrong site.

The “Crisis” on the border with the illegal “Children” being sent across the border is a manufactured crisis. Barack Obama and his wonderful administration has again used “Children” in his push to legalize those who are ILLEGAL. And if you’re against it, you hate children.

Nancy Pelosi is headed to the border to greet the new democrat voters of the future.

But there’s a much bigger picture, let me lay it out for you.

1st, there’s the immediate bump the Democrats desperately need in November. And I fully expect the RINO’s in congress to allow it.

2nd, there’s the appearance of what was done and how it breaks down among the population. Did the republicans help so deserve some consideration? was it all the democrats?

3rd. In the future, what happens when these kids grow up, in the ghetto’s of MS13, 18th street, Norteno’s Mexican Mafia and those are just the CA home gangs. The recruiting is going to be awesome huh?

4th. Education, infrastructure overload etc all will require more money so enter the tax and spend democrats

5th. The message this sends to the MILLIONS waiting for applications, letters, interviews to get into this nation LEGALLY.

And there’s a lot more but the last one is where this post is headed. I don’t want ANY of these illegals to be here, I want them all booted out right now. Kids, adults, elderly I don’t give a damn. Boot em all out! BUT its not going to happen, so what can we do? We can demand that ALL the people in the LEGAL line get let in, no questions asked, No country of origin questions, no skill questions, no questions at all. Open the gates. “Wow” you say? “WTF” you say? wait.

We are not being listened to about the ILLEGALS, we are going to have to accept forced Amnesty of those who have been brought ILLEGALLY here by our governments actions, We need to make sure they’re doing it “Equally” They are letting in LAW BREAKERS, we need to let in LAW FOLLOWERS TOO.

What they are doing now is slapping MILLIONS of people who wish to become Americans and already proved they respect our laws in the face. We are giving away what they have paid for and its not right. So, I don’t care if they are from Iraq, Saudi Arabia, Somalia, Kenya or Iran, let em in folks, if we’re going to be lawless, lets be lawless. Lets not be half ass’d lets go full on stupid.

If we do that, right now perhaps we can get this collapse of the nation and begin the rebuilding part before my grand daughter has to fight in the streets…

Amnesty for the sustain of power. Amnesty so Harry Reid and Nancy Pelosi can have a few more years on their thrones. They won’t have to deal with the crime, the education to murders that are going to happen to us peons. As a matter of fact, lets just grab all those illegal kids and put them in Nancy Pelosi’s neighborhood. Lets see how her elites like it.

Spitting nails over this crap… 😈

Random Thoughts From Behind Enemy Lines

Random Thoughts From Behind Enemy Lines

We traded 5 major players in the war on terror for one possible “Traitor” “Deserter” Which makes perfect sense. Hillary will need a Secretary of state in 2017 so Berghdal is now odds on favorite for that position.

A man and woman, called NAZI’s and “White Supremacists” killed two cops and three civilians in Nevada yesterday. They ended their shooting spree in WalMart… How perfect is this for the anti-gun crowd?

1. The Nazi/White Supremacist angle. CHECK

2. The Couple were in attendance at Bundy Ranch. CHECK

3. They used the Gadsden Flag CHECK

4. They shouted “Revolution” CHECK

5. They took guns and ammo from Cops (Good guys with guns can’t stop bad guys) CHECK

6. They went to WalMart. (Protest target by democrats) CHECK

By my count, this was the definition of the democrat dream crime spree… Almost too perfect, almost like it was made for a political event… Not saying it was, just find the timing/execution and methods just so step by step…

Obama is dumping Illegal children all over AZ/Texas. This shocks who? not most of us. Texas is succeeding despite Obama’s economy, Obama sued AZ over border enforcement. This is what is known as “Manufacturing a crisis” so the solution fits “Democrat Agenda” no matter what it does to the people of the state or nation.

There’s a lot of news hitting hard out there these days. There’s a big reason for it. The election is coming up, Democrats are not looking good for holding their jobs but and this is huge: DON’T underestimate the ability of the RINO party to snatch defeat from the jaws of victory.

Let us pray very hard that the focus of Americans stays on the results of the last 8 years. 8 years the democrats have controlled 2/3 of congress. If the economy, Bengazi, IRS targeting, DOJ, AG, Gun Control, Jobs, Berghdal, Foreign Policy, VA Scandal, gas prices, unemployment, obamacare and the lies that have been found to be LIES beyond a shadow of a doubt aren’t enough to remove EVERY DEM in the senate there’s nothing else to be done. Its over.



Why George Bush was Wrong

Why George Bush was Wrong

George Bush was 100% better at POTUS’ing that our current PRETENDER to the throne. The King, Dear Leader, the supreme being that is known as Barack Obama isn’t fit to carry George W Bush’s coat and that is about as nice as I can say it. But and this is the BUT that is the difference between George W Bush being a good president and a GREAT one. George Bush pushed AMNESTY without Border security too.

The Republicans, during George Bush’s last term successfully stopped the AMNESTY bill. That bill was sponsored by newly elected majority leader in the senate Harry Reid. Remember, in 2006 both the house/senate went majority Democrat. George Bush helped push the bill with Kennedy/Kyle and several other of the same RINO’s pushing the currentAmnesty. McRino (McCain) And GrAmnesty (Lindsey Graham) Were on board as usual. This bill failed and rightly so.

We the people stopped the AMNESTY bill in 2007. It essentially ended any chance of George Bush being thought of as a GREAT PRESIDENT on his own. NOW however in comparison George Bush looks almost Saint-Like.

Here we are now and our only hope of not seeing AMNESTY ruin a fragile nation is John Boehner. If that doesn’t scare the hell out of you then you haven’t been paying attention to the house of representatives.

George Bush did a lot of great things, he wasted a great legacy on the 2007 AMNESTY push.  He gets the blame for the economic collapse by people that also claim the House Republicans are the reason we haven’t recovered. How can you have it both ways? In a liberals mind it’s easy I guess. So let me school you folks who keep blaming Bush for the economic collapse.

1. IF George Bush caused the economic collapse, then Obama must be blamed for making it worse for the middle class while making the rich richer.

2. IF the Republicans in the house are the reason Obama can’t fix the economy, then the reason for the economic collapse must be the fault of congress in 2008 it was majority DEMOCRAT.

Pretty simple stuff if your head isn’t up your ass.

Illegal Immigration Bill

Illegal Immigration Bill

Note to Senate/House Republicans and GOP as a whole. You have snared yourself in a trap again. Since you are too stupid to see what is being done, you deserve the choice you have. You have two choices now.

AMNESTY2013 numbersusa-405x400

1. Pass the Amnesty and watch the blood bath that occurs in 2014 from the loser seat. You will lose majority in the House, you will lose seats in senate.

2. Unite behind Ted Cruz and make the Amnesty bill right before jumping on board.

Those choices are all you have. If the current Amnesty bill collapses because Republican support drops, America wins. If you pass it, America and The GOP loses.

I’m telling you this. Conservative voters will back challengers to all Republican supporters of this TRAVESTY who are up for re-election in 2014. We will ABSTAIN from voting should you win. IF that message isn’t clear enough. Imagine that you win your challenge and you go on a news network to try and get support for something later. YOU WILL NOT BE CREDIBLE in the eyes of MILLIONS. Relegated to the Olympia Snow’s and John McCain’s of the GOP you will become just another RINO.


You find yourself in this mess because YOU ALLOWED IT. You could have stood and refused to vote without filibuster ANY BILL until the Obamacare house bill that passed was taken up on the senate floor.

You could have DONE A LOT MORE but you allowed Marco Rubio and John McCain to put the GOP in this box. You think the DNC didn’t plan this? Their king is scandalized, their entire talking points have fell apart, the economy is still toast, the war on terror is making a comeback, Obama has NOTHING LEFT, he gave the gay’s their way, he has to get this passed for his legacy to have a “Yeah but he passed amnesty” tag line. And you fell for it.

The ONLY bill that will save you and provide for limited Amnesty would be something like this:

“This bill provides funding for a Fence/wall/fence on every inch of that border” in the first sentence.

The second sentence “Deportation immediately for those who have broken ANY OTHER LAW since ILLEGALLY immigrating to the USA”

Third sentence is “Amnesty will occur 2 years after the fence is built and deportations have been completed”

I just wrote the Illegal Immigration Reform act in three sentences.

Now though, the GOP has two Choices, pick one. My mind and millions of us tax paying voters will vote or not vote based on your choice. Good luck.

News Dump…

News Dump…

So “There will be no death panels, Sarah Palin is being political” Remember that quote? Remember the media outrage over the tea party’s assertion that obamacare would result in people sitting in judgement over peoples lives.


Kathleen Sebelius at center of storm over child’s lung transplant

The plight of a dying 10-year-old girl in urgent need of a lung transplant has been taken up by some GOP lawmakers, and it’s shining a light on what critics say is a questionable policy that puts children further down the waiting list.

I guess Sarah was wrong, no panels just one liberal progressive deciding who should be alive. Cool right?

How about the Susan Rice appointment to a non-conformation hearing position… WOW

AP source: Donilon resigns as security adviser

Obama National Security

WASHINGTON (AP) – President Barack Obama’s top national security adviser Tom Donilon is resigning and will be replaced by U.S. ambassador to the United Nations Susan Rice, marking a significant shakeup to the White House foreign policy team.

Lets look at that for a minute. A person who follows blindly the talking points handed to her by Barack Obama and his campaign staff, is now going to be “Advisor” to him. Basically that is to say, Susan Rice will be saying YES to whatever Obama and Valerie Jarret decide is best for our nation. Just like blaming the deaths of four Americans on a video and lying for weeks about the cause of Benghazi. Good plan. All this is, a giant F–K You to the American people. Obama is saying “I’m king, I do what I want”

Then there’s the McRino, Grahamnesty Rubio backstabbing of America over the latest Amnesty push.


Marco Rubio indicates he won’t vote for own immigration bill without changes

Key word “Indicates” never said outright. Rubio threw a promising career away for something that didn’t need to be done. The only thing he did was assist the democrat party in making republicans the bad guys in the media again. Rubio fell for the cigar room and brandy elites like McCain and Graham who have this idea that hispanics will vote R if they help pass reform. NOT going to happen. What will happen is AMNESTY will allow a surge in Democrat voters and end any hopes of republican leadership for many many years. UNLESS it is done under a REPUBLICAN Presidents term.

The Immigration reform must include MORE PUNITIVE language than give aways and it must include BORDER ENFORCEMENT. Anything else is LOSER for America.



The fix is in: Dream Act (Amnesty) will pass…

The fix is in: Dream Act (Amnesty) will pass…

So far I’m batting 1000 on my predictions so far so believe me when I tell you that the Dream act will pass this weekend.

Why you ask?

Harry Reid pulled the omnibus bill off the floor pretty quick didn’t he? Do you think that there was a reason for it? I bet the reason involved some phone calls to our steel spine Conservatives in the senate like Susan Collins, and Scott Brown… See they were going to vote for the Omnibus bill, but if they did they would have been in very shaky territory and would have to show some “BALLS” on the next bill up for vote. DADT or the Dream act.

I’m thinking the dream act will be supported by at least those 5 “RINO’s” because the Omnibus bill didn’t require them to cast a vote.

IF I’m wrong… Well it wouldn’t be the first time, but I’m betting on 80-20 odds that our famous RINO’s made a deal….