Tag: Amnesty for Votes not America

Amnesty Postponed

Amnesty Postponed

So, Mr “Pen and Phone” has come out from the golf course and stated the obvious.


Dear Leader breaks promise to most loyal voters 

WASHINGTON (AP) — President Barack Obama said Saturday that the surge of immigrant children entering the U.S. illegally changed the politics surrounding the issue of immigration and led him to put off a pledge to use executive action that could shield millions of people from deportation.



Groups like LaRaza (the race) are upset that Obama broke a promise? After 6yrs of his lying to America, after 6yrs of his policy’s that have hurt Americans “The Race” is upset? Well, sorry to inform you worthless racists. Obama also promised to uphold the constitution and he’s broke that promise MANY TIMES! (And Yes I LINKED that racist groups web site, hoping some of those worthless cockroaches would like to say something to me)


But here’s something EVERYONE should understand. Mr Pen and Phone knows that Amnesty isn’t the best for America, its best for DEMOCRATS. That means, he postponed it, in the hopes that Americans will elect democrats so he can pass Amnesty with congress, or if that fails he can look “Heroic” by doing it with his pen and phone… This is backfiring already.


Here’s another how do you do… If you haven’t noticed, every disaster policy decision, law signed or executive order democrats have done, always occur after elections. And NEVER have they ran on the results of those policies/delays/changes in laws or executive orders. The results NEVER EVER have lived up to any of the hype leading up to the ideological policy changes. So you dumbass voters keep voting for these lying scumbag politicians like Obama and keep whining about your unemployment status.

Just think, the black community voted 95% for Barack Obama and now the black Unemployment rate is about 11.4% Amnesty will bring that down right? All you black folks who voted for Obama must believe that to still support this ignorant prick.


And NOPE I don’t feel sorry for you black obama voters at all, Just like saying I fuckin told you so.