Tag: Allen West Speaks to Bloggers

Lt Col. Allen West (R-Ready to be POTUS)

Lt Col. Allen West (R-Ready to be POTUS)

If you haven’t seen his keynote speech it’s well worth a listen. Here’s the youtube links:
Allen West Keynote Speech at CPAC 2011 Part 1
Allen West Keynote Speech at CPAC 2011 Part 2
Allen West Keynote Speech at CPAC 2011 Part 3

This particular ten minutes tells you a lot more about the man than the speech did.

HT to “Be sure You’re Right Then Go Ahead

The only problem I had with those ten minutes is “HE RIDES A HONDA? WTF? Well, I can overlook that I guess… 🙄

You tell me, what freshman congressman has such a grasp on the issues? Just name one that can speak that well to the facts, no stuttering, no teleprompter and fielding questions that were NOT Staged?…. Yeah I’d follow that man through hell carrying a gas can and lay waste to any SOB that tried to silence him. Allen West for POTUS 2012.