Tag: Al Sharpton is a racist

After action report of Glenn Beck’s Rally

After action report of Glenn Beck’s Rally

Details are starting to trickle in from the Glenn Beck Restoring honor rally in DC. The latest update involved the Al Sharpton march:

When the Sharpton rally reached the mall, most of the crowd from Beck’s rally had begun to disperse. Those remaining, mostly smiled politely. . . .
“Glen Beck, we’re going to show you. We ain’t going to let Glenn Beck turn us around,” one man shouted into a megaphone. . . . “We need to be shouting ‘we are America,’” said one woman in Sharpton’s rally. “See all those tea baggers.”

So as usual those wonderful leftists went looking for a confrontation and they were met with smiles.. Why do you think that is? I am guessing because there were over 300 thousand AMERICANS assembled to restore American Honor, and there were about 2 thousand folks marching to continue to destroy it.

The question must be asked: What are you against if you are against Beck’s rally? The rally was to restore honor, so you are against Honor? The rally was an effort to get people to look to GOD, so you are against GOD? the rally was to get people to focus on their family, so you are against families? The rally was to regain Hope, so you are now against hope? the rally was to push people toward charity, so you are against charity?…..

You can tell how strong your position is by the attendees of the opposing rallies.

Becks rally had MLK’s niece, several pastors, preachers, rabbi’s, veterans, leaders of all walks of life and 300 thousand AMERICANS.

Al Sharpton’s rally had SEIU, Code Pink, ANSWER and the Socialist Workers.

So, exactly what was Al Sharpton’s rally supposed to achieve?

Al Sharpton went on a media blitz after Beck picked the day of August 28th for his rally exclaiming that to be a holy day. Al Sharpton went on a spree calling Beck a hijacker of a day that is reserved for blacks…I find that odd.

Beck picked the day on a calendar, not on purpose (I truly believe that) and in no way tried to take the honor from MLK. But the question needs to be asked:
Why was that day if it’s such an important day to Al and Jesse, available to Glenn Beck? The Lincoln Memorial should have already been reserved by Al and Jesse right? Well unless it’s only an important day if someone else picks it…