Tag: 2012 election will have repurcussions

Defending our Nation from within…

Defending our Nation from within…

I’m seriously concerned about our nation. Let me explain this concern:

We are moving into a time where political ideology is going to be front page news. The 2012 election is about to kick into gear. The Debt crisis, the economy, lack of employment, crime statistics are starting to go up, Police officers are increasingly being killed in the line of duty, the world is on edge, our founding documents are under attack, the media is ignoring facts and hiding truth for their own benefit…. And many more issues are creating a perfect storm.

What is going on in our nation can be found in history. We have states fighting the Federal Government over several issues. And we have an election coming up that will pit a divided nation against one another. We have seen in history what happens when a nation is as divided as we are now. It was called the civil war.

We are under assault make no mistake this is all out war for our freedom. We see it every day from those in DC and in local governments. We see the division on the evening news. We see the lines between RIGHT AND WRONG being blurred by emotions and idiocy. We see the problems yet we have no answer that satisfies BOTH party’s concerns.

What worries me is the potential for violence. Our political system is ripe for violence based on the lies and deceit of those with an agenda. We hear “Fox news is bad” Fox news is the only station actually reporting on several issues that should be front page news across the nation. IF the people would wake up and see what our elected officials are truly up to, perhaps we can save our nation from the demons within….

Here’s a couple of scenario’s:

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